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社区获得性肺炎与 SARS 的对比分析 作者 :黄煜 ,丘熙廉 ,王进援 ,朱国作者单位 :510080 广东省广州市东山区人民医院 510100 广 东省广州市东山区疾控中心 【关键词】 严重急性呼吸综合征 【摘要】 目的 研究社区获得性肺炎( CAP)与严重急性呼吸综合征( SARS)的不同特 点。方法 比较 2003 年 1~5 月 157 例(广州市东山区) SARS 患者和 2001 年 1 月~ 2003 年 1 月 100 例 CAP 患者的临床症状、血象、放射学表现、转归等方面的特点,总结 SARS 的发病特点及病情发展规律。结果 ( 1) SARS 患者出现 38.5℃以上的发热、胸闷、头痛、 肌痛症状的比例显著高于 CAP 患者( P 0.01) ; (2) SARS 患者白细胞降低的比例显著高于 CAP 患者( P 0.01),白细胞升高的比例显著低于 CAP 患者( P 0.01) ;(3) SAPS 患者病死 率显著高于 CAP 患者( P 0.01);( 4)SARS 患者抗体 IgG 显著高于 CAP 患者( P 0.01)。结 SARS 与 CAP 在临床症状、血象、胸片等方面都有不同特点,应注意区分,尽力作到早诊断、早隔离,避免 SARS 病毒播散。 关键词  严重急性呼吸综合征  社区获得性肺炎  Comparison  of  community-acquired pneumonia with severe acute respiratory syndrome u, Qiu Xilian , Wang Jinyuan, et al. The People s Hospital of Dongshan District , Guangzhou510080 【 Abstract 】 Objective To study the features of community-acquired pneumonia( CAP ) and severe acute respi ˉ ratorysyndrome ( SARS) .Methods The clinical symptom ,chest radiographs,white cell count and prognosis of157SARS patients from January to May2003were compared with those of100CAP patients from January2001to January2003in people s hospital of Dongshan district ,and the clinical features of SARS were summarized.Results 1) Fever above38.5 ℃, short of breath , headache, myalgia in SARS were more common in SARS patients than those in CAP( P 0.01);( 2)Leucopenia was more common and leukocytosis was less common in SARS than those in CAP ( P 0.01);( 3)The ratio of mortality in SARS was much higher than in CAP (P 0.01);(4)SARS virus antibody IgG was much higher than in CAP (P 0.01).Conclusion The clinical symptom ,chest radiographs,white cell count ,and prognosis in SARS are much different from CAP ,differentiating them will be helpful to early diagnosis , prompt isolation, and pre ˉ ventionSARS virus spreading. Key words severe acute respiratory syndrome community-acquired pneumonia 严重急性呼吸综合征( severe acute respiratory syndrome , SARS)以发热、干咳、胸闷、 憋气、低氧血症为主要临床表现,病程早期胸部 X 线表现以肺部非典型炎症为主要特点, 严重者可继发急性呼吸窘迫综合征 ( ARDS)而


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