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A Path Toward Safe and Equitable Cities Recommendations from the NLC Reimagining Public Safety Task Force Letter from NLC CEO and Executive Director The National League of Cities (NLC) has been supporting cities as they review their current public safety systems and consider new, equitable, and innovative visions of local safety. After a deeply inspirational conversation with Mayors and Councilmembers during a National Forum held in September 2020, we knew that we had to bring together our members to discuss this important issue of public safety for all residents and what can be done better. George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Walter Wallace Jr., Elijah McClain -- all names we know due to their untimely deaths at the hands of local law enforcement. For Black, Latinx and Indigenous communities, these names represent a long and contentious history with law enforcement. We know that it will take a collaborative effort to stop this list of names from growing. I am proud to see cities leading the charge on rethinking public safety and utilizing their influence to bring together stakeholders, change policy and address the historic struggles that members of their communities’ face. Reimagining public safety is about evolving public safety systems, sustaining positive reforms, and managing this heavy task along with the daily challenges of local elected officials. In February of 2021, NLC launched the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force made up of local leaders from across the country. Our work with the Task Force provided us an opportunity to meet the moment and support local leadership in their transformations. During the past several months, NLC Task Force members uplifted safety initiatives, ideas and conversations and they supported one another during challenging times for our country. I want to thank Mayor Ras Baraka and Mayor David Holt for leading our Task Force, our partners for their collaboration and the Jonh D. and Catherine T. MacArthu


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