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Unit ;Think and Discuss;Think and Discuss;Questions; ; ; ;Exploring the Theme;Tradition and Progress;A | Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions. ;Female weavers work in Chinchero, Peru. The weavers keep their traditional weaving skills alive by using them in a modern way—to earn money to support their families and their town.;The Hadza people of Tanzania are one of the last hunter-gatherer groups on Earth. Today, their traditional way of life is changing.;A woman in Kyoto, Japan shops for food along with her helper, a talking robot.;A monk talks on a cell phone at a monastery in India.;Discuss the questions. 1. Which of these photos do you find the most interesting? Why? 2. Why would people want to keep their traditions? 3. How do you think life has changed for these people over the last 10 years?;Example Answers 1 ? I find the large photo the most interesting because basketball is not a traditional sport in Mongolia. They don’t have the proper equipment, but they have found a way to enjoy the game. ;Example Answers 2 ? I find the photo of the women in Peru the most interesting because they are wearing colorful and unusual clothing. ? I find the photo of the Hadza people the most interesting because even though they appear to live in a dry climate, they find enough food to live on. ;Example Answers 3 ? I find the photo from Japan the most interesting because it features a robot that appears to be helping people to do their grocery shopping. ;Example Answers People might want to keep their traditions because those traditions connect them to their ancestors as well as the places where they live. Some traditions, such as holiday celebrations, are also very enjoyable, so people keep them because they’re a lot of fun. ;Example Answers For the people in the photos, life has probably changed in several different ways over the last 10 years. For some, their traditions may be difficult to keep. For example, the Hadza people


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