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摘 要 变电站是聚集电源、起落电压和分派电能的场所,是发电厂和用户联系的中间环节。变电站依照其起落电压的不同分为升压变电站和降压变电站两大类。升压变电站是为了减少电能在运输进程中的损耗,将发电厂发出的电升压后输送到远方,这种变电站通常与发电厂联系在一路;降压变电站与负荷中心比较靠近,将高压电通过变压器转变成适合的低压电。在那个地址咱们设计的是110KV的变电站。通常变电站是由高压配电室、变压器室和低压配电室等组成的。 本次设计以110KV站为要紧设计对象,分为任务书、计算说明书二部份,同时附有1张电气主接线图加以说明。该变电站设有2台主变压器,站内主接线分为110KV、35 KV和10 KV三个电压品级。三个电压品级均单母分段的接线方式。在本变电站的设计中,包括对变电站整体分析和负荷分析、变电站主变压器的选择、主接线、短路电流计算等部份的分析计算和防雷设计。在保证供电靠得住性的前提下,减少事故的发生,降低运行费用。变电站的设计是依照本企业几年后的用电量的满负荷的容量设计的,没必要为以后因为容量小而再重建或扩容,一次设计到位,减少了投资,并为变电站的平平稳固供电提供了保障。 关键词:110KV变电站,短路电流,高压电气设备,防雷爱惜。 ABSTRACT Power substation is pooled, and landing voltage electricity distribution sites, power plants and users linked to the intermediate links. Substation in accordance with its movements into different voltage substation and Boost Substation two categories. Boost substation is to reduce the power in the transport process of loss, power plants will boost the electricity transmitted to the remote post, This substation is usually linked with the power; Substation with a load center near, through high-voltage transformer will be amenable to changes in a low-voltage electricity. Here we design a 110 kV substation. Substation is usually from high-voltage power distribution room, transformers and low-voltage power distribution room composed of the room. This design is then 110kV transformer substations is for primarily design the objecting, and is divided into the mission book, calculation book, two parts, at the same time fish-eye 1 electricity the lord connect the line diagram to take into the transformer substation establishes to have 2 main transformer of sets, stand the inside lord to connect the line to is divided into 110 kV,35 kV, with 10 kV three electric voltage grades of electric voltage grade distinguishes the connecting of segment the line method with single the design of the substation, including the right substation overall analysis and load analysis, the main transformer substation choice, Main Connection, short cir


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