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2021 考研英语 (一)真题及答案 2021 考研英语 (一)真题及答案 完形填空: 完形填空: Fluid intelligence is the type of intelligence that involves sh rt-term memory and the Fluid intelligence is the type of intelligence that involves sh rt-term memory and the ability t think quickly, l gically, and abstractly in rder t s lvenew problem. It peaks in ability t think quickly, l gically, and abstractly in rder t s lvenew problem. It peaks in y ung adulth d (between the ages of 20 and 30),levels out f r aperi d oftime,andthen y ung adulth d (between the ages of 20 and 30),levels out f r aperi d oftime,andthen generally starts t sl wly decline as we age. But while aging is inevitable, scientists are generally starts t sl wly decline as we age. But while aging is inevitable, scientists are findingoutthatcertainchangesinbrainfunctionmaynotbe. findingoutthatcertainchangesinbrainfunctionmaynotbe. Onestudyf undthatmusclel ssandtheaccumulati nofbodyfatar undtheabdomen, Onestudyf undthatmusclel ssandtheaccumulati nofbodyfatar undtheabdomen, which ften begin in middle age and continue int advanced age, are associated with a which ften begin in middle age and continue int advanced age, are associated with a decline in fluid intelligence. This suggests the p ssibility that lifestyle factors, such as the decline in fluid intelligence. This suggests the p ssibility that lifestyle factors, such as the typeofdiety u f ll w andthetypeandamountofexercisey u getthroughout theyearst typeofdiety u f ll w andthetypeandamountofexercisey u getthroughout theyearst maintainmoreleanmuscle,mighthelppreventordelaythistypeofdecline. maintainmoreleanmuscle,mighthelppreventordelaythistypeofdecline. The researchers l ked at data that included measurements of lean muscle, abdominal The researchers l ked at data that included measurements of lean muscle, abdominal fatandsubcutaneousfat (thetypeoffaty u can seeandgrabh ld f)fr mmorethan4,000 fa


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