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  【论文】25kg-s丙烯冷却器的设计 ? ?   25kg/s丙烯冷却器的设计 ?   摘 要 ?   本文对丙烯冷却器进行了设计,丙烯冷却器属于管壳式换热器。由于浮头式换热器的管束膨胀不受壳体的约束,壳体与管束之间不会由于膨胀量的不同而产生热应力。而且在清洗和检修时,仅需将管束从固定端抽出即可,能适应管壳壁间温差较大,或易于腐蚀和易于结垢的场合。所以本文选的是浮头式换热器的设计。本文先介绍了换热器的工程背景、研究设计现状、结构形式等,接着主要对所选换热器进行了工艺设计,计算浮头换热器的传热面积、传热量、总传热系数、管、壳程压力降等热力参数,使其满足使用要求,并进行简单的结构设计;然后根据GB150-98《钢制压力容器》和GB151-89《钢制管壳式换热器》对换热器的主要零部件——特别是受压部件如筒体,管箱,管板,封头,法兰等作应力计算,并校核其强度。运用AutoCAD 软件绘制装配图,手绘主要零件图。经计算校核本次设计的浮头式换热器满足工程要求,条件合格。在实际工程设计运用中,具有很好的价值。 ?   关键词:管壳式换热器,浮头式换热器,工艺计算,结构计算,强度校核I ?   25kg/s丙烯冷却器的设计 ?   —————————————————————————————————————————————————————Abstract ?   A propylene cooler is designed in this paper. Propylene cooler belongs to Tubular heat exchanger. Because the restrain expand of Internal floating head exchanger is not binded, it doesn’t produce stress of heat between the shell and the restrain because of thedifference of the expand quantity. When cleaning and checking, you just need to pull the restrain from the fixed one. This configuration can get used to the big difference of temperature between the tube and the shell and the place corroded easily. So Internal floating head exchanger is designed in the paper. First, background, research status quo and configurations are introduced in the paper. Second, technics are designed in order to meet the process requirement. The thermal performance parameters are rated .The next step is to calculate intensity of the main parts by the standard GB150 and GB151,for example: shell, channel, tube sheet, channel flange and head. And select a configuration. Lastly, the assembly draft is drawn by software AutoCAD. And the partly draft are drawn handly. The exchanger designed in this paper satisfies the requirements of engineering and has a good value in the practical project. ?   Key words: Tubular heat exchanger, Internal floating head exchanger, Technics calculate, configuration calculate, Intensity calculateII ?   ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ?   25kg/s丙烯冷却器的设计 ?   目 录 ?   第一章 绪


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