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difficult, not hating ; bluepri nts, not rhetori c; w ords a nd sim ple, but full of love, tr uth, pa ssion, e ntrepre neuria l passion. Take this opport unit y, my inspirati onal quotes Li Da zha os cl assi c iron spe cialise i n uplifting ble nd wit h the article gave everyone, w ith a view on how to do well under t he new situation of tow nship and village lea ders i nspire and hel p, and also share w ith you. A good play to create iron shoul ders strong arms, to assume t he burde n be pa sse d; only specific qualitie s, will it be possi ble i n spe cific area s to create a w orld. In my view , village chiefs i n the ne w situation, we must first have five basic qualit y. One ambiti on i s to pi onee r. Who is handsome. People only high-minded can stim ulate the flow of momentum to become brave and persi stent, become qui et and pow erful. Townshi p and village party leaders, withi n their respective jurisdicti ons, polit ical stability a nd e conomi c and social devel opme nt issues, deci sions and ori entation de pends to a large extent beca use of your. Every body i n village chiefs and the positions, both the trust of the masses, the Organi zation s trust, more a bility to you, fully affirmed the moral a nd ot her qualities. Therefore, we must always maintai n the histori cal missi on a nd social re sponsibilit y, and our ideal tree r oote d in the hard w ork of the soil, wit h indomitable spirit, i ndomitable courage to ope n up a new situati on of villages a nd t owns. To have a feeling of closene ss to the second. The people a nd country. Our busine ss foundati on i n the peoples blood in t he pe opl e power pe ople. Advanced de cisions of the party ca dres to the feelings of the pe ople i s an eternal theme. Fan Z hong-yan, calle d first, and e njoy comfort about others, Zhe ng Ba nqia os also wrote a a Chai lay listeni ng to the r ustling of bamboo, the suspect i s suffering. Cao County officials, little my, a t otal turn off. Old of feudal off


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