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高一英语下册教学计划 高一英语下册教学计划 高一英语下册教学计划 . 高一英语下册教学计划 一、指导思想 以我党的教育目标政策为指导,全面实行素质教育,培养全面发展的新一代社会主义事业的建设者和接班人。 二、基本情况 本学期高一年级共有 19 个教学班,本人当任 C402, C415两个班的英语。C402为实验班,学生的基础知识比较牢固,但语言运用能力比较差,听力和阅 读能力还有待于提高。 C415为平衡班,一部分学生由于基础差跟不上而产生了厌学情绪,尖子生少,差生面广,学生学习英语的气氛不太浓,英语成绩比较差。从上学期期末考试成绩来看,学生的英语学习基本情况主要表现为以下几个方面: 1、学习方法需要指导。 2、有相当一部分学生的学习态度不够正直,产生了厌学情绪 3、英语基础知识不够牢固。 4、综合能力较差,尤其是听力及口语。 5、词汇量小,阅读能力受到影响。 6、学生的英语水平发展不平衡,尖子生少,差生面广。 三、教材剖析 高一英语下册共有 10 个单元,每个单元由 “Warming up and Listening ; speaking; reading ; language study and grammar; intergrating skills 五个部分组成, ” 每个单元围绕一个话题展开教学,每个单元的知识概括如下: Unit 13 Healthy eating. In this unit , we must let the students master the expressions of seeing a doctor and giving advice . And we should make the students know the usage of “ had better , should and ought to “. 1 / 3 Unit 14 Festival. In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of expressing and supporting an opinion . The grammar is the usage of “ must ; have to ; have got to. Unit 16 Scientists at work. In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of describing people and the grammar , Subject-Verb agreement . Unit 17 Great women . In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of describing people . Unit 18 New Zealand. In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of directions and the usage of “ it “ as subject. Unit 19 Modern agriculture. In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of making a decision and the usage of “ it “ as emphasis. Unit 20 Humour . In this unit , we should let the students master the expressions of making offers and the usage of –ing form as subject and object . Unit 22 A world of fun . In this unit , we should let the students master –ing form as adverbial. 四、教学目的 通过教学和课外学习辅导,利用教材所蕴含的内容,培养学生的崇高的精神风采,陶冶学生的情操,通过教学,提高学生的听、说、读、写等方面的能力,争取期末及格率达到 90%以上,优异率达到 30%以上。 五、教学举措 必修课。本期教学课时仍旧紧 ,教材内容多,知识覆盖面大,在上好教本的同时,要特别考虑拓展学生的课外知识,人文知识,加强课外阅读的补充和指导,详细举措如下: 狠抓单元教学 ,突出单元教学重点。把握好各个环节如:


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