EIM Book 2 Unit 4 Holiday or vocation 单元知识要点.docx

EIM Book 2 Unit 4 Holiday or vocation 单元知识要点.docx

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EIM Book 2 Unit 4 Holiday or vocation 单元知识要点

English in Mind Book 2 PAGE 2 Unit 4 Holiday or vacation Part 1 P32-33 Word List baseball [?be?sb??l] n. 棒球(运动) vacation [ve??ke??n] n. 假期,度假 inland [??n?l?nd] adj. 内地(陆)的;adv. 向(或在)内陆;n. 内地 Being understood Vancouver [v?n?ku?v?(r)] n. 温哥华(加拿大) Montreal [?m?ntr????l] n. 蒙特利尔(加拿大) Toronto [t??r?nt??] n. 多伦多(加拿大) Los Angeles [l?:s ?e?nd??lz] 洛杉矶(美国城市) Alberta [?l?b??t?] 亚伯达(加拿大西部城市) ice hockey [a?s ?h?ki] 冰球,冰上曲棍球 San Francisco [s?n fr?ns?sk??] n. 旧金山 the Rocky Moutains 洛基山脉 California [?k?l??f??ni?] n. 加利福尼亚州(美国) border [?b??d?(r)] n. 国界,边界,边疆 boundary [?ba?ndri] n. 边界,界限,分界线 Word Transformation Canada n. Canadian n.adj. America n. American n.adj. Phrases Sentences in terms of… 根据,就…而言,用…的话 The job is great in terms of salary. ten times as many 十倍于 There are ten times as many Chinese schools than there were 30 years ago. a population of… …的人口 It has a population of over 8,000,000. 对人口提问: China has a population of around 1.4 billion. What’s the population of China? a 15-hour drive =15 hours’ drive =15 hours by car 一段15小时的车程 It’s a 15-hour drive from Lanzhou to Chengdu. =? the same size as… =as big as… 和…一样大(面积) my room is the same size as his. =my room is as big as his. walk on hands 手倒立爬行 Can you walk on your hands? It’s quite difficult for me. Grammar: Tag question (反义疑问句) 定义:表示问话人有一定的看法,但不完全肯定,需要对方证实。 反义疑问句由两部分构成:陈述句,简短疑问句?遵循原则:前肯后否,前否后肯。 解法: “判定”(判定肯定还是否定); 否定词有:not, no, no-, little, few, never, neither, hardly, seldom等;否定前缀或后缀不视为否定。 “求助”(找助动词be,情态动词,do/does/did ‘无词义’, have/has/had‘完成时中,had better’,如否定必须缩写) “换代”(将主语换成人称代词主格; 用it换掉-thing,用he换掉-one/-body) 特殊情况: There is no factory here, is there? Let’s go for a walk, shall we? (其它祈使句都用will you?) Part 2 P34-35 Word List free [fri?] vt. 使自由;adj. 免费,自由; adv. 免费地 network [?netw??k] n. 网络 downtown [?da?nta?n] n. 市中心区; adj. 市中心的 comment [?k?ment] n. 评论,意见;vt. 发表评论 charge [t?ɑ?d?] vt. 收费,使充电;n. 费用,控告 guy [ɡa?] n. 男人,家伙 remind [r??ma?nd] vt. 提醒,使想起 university [?ju?n??v??s?ti] n. (综合性)大学 website [?websa?t] n. 网站 rid



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