EIM Book 2 Unit 5 Growing up 单元知识要点.docx

EIM Book 2 Unit 5 Growing up 单元知识要点.docx

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EIM Book 2 Unit 5 Growing up 单元知识要点

English in Mind Book 2 PAGE 2 Unit 5 Growing up Part 1 P40-41 Word List crocodile [?kr?k?da?l] n. 鳄鱼 tribe [tra?b] n. 部落 ceremony [?ser?m?ni] 典礼,仪式 nest [nest] n. 巢穴,窝,藏匿处,秘密窝点 skull [sk?l] n. 骷髅,颅骨 several [?sevr?l] adj. 几个,一些 bamboo [?b?m?bu?] n. 竹,竹子 [UC pl. bamboos] cut [k?t] n. 伤口,划口;v. 切,割 grow [ɡr??] v. 种植,长大,增加 [-grew-grown] deliver [d??l?v?(r)] v. 传递,递送 torch [t??t?] n. 火炬,火把,手电筒 flame [fle?m] n. 火焰 light [la?t] v. 点燃,点火 [-lit/lighted-lit/lighted] chest [t?est] n. 胸部,胸膛 back [b?k] n. (人体或动物的)背部;adv. 向后;v. 退后 painful [?pe?nfl] adj. 痛苦的 responsible [r??sp?ns?bl] adj. 负责任的 describe [d??skra?b] v. 描述 adult [??d?lt] n. 成年人 island [?a?l?nd] n. 岛 speech [spi?t?] n. 演说,发言 enter [?ent?(r)] v. 进入 hut n. 简陋的小房子(棚、舍) Being Understood Papua New Guinea [?p?pu?? nju? ?ɡ?ni] 巴布亚新几内亚 Sepik River 塞皮克河 Niowra 瑙拉人 Word Transformation teenage adj. 青少年的 teenager n. 青少年 grow growing adj. 增长的 growth [ɡr??θ] 成长,增加 deliver v. delivery [d??l?v?ri] n. 递送,快递 responsible adj. irresponsible [??r??sp?ns?bl] adj. 不负责任的 responsibility [r??sp?ns??b?l?ti] n. 责任,负责 painful [?pe?nfl] adj. 痛苦的 painless adj. 无痛的,不痛的 pain n. 疼痛 describe [d??skra?b] v. 描述 description [d??skr?p?n] n. 描述,形容 enter [?ent?(r)] v. 进入 entrance n. 入口 Phrases Sentences on your/the 18th birthday 在18岁生日时 on the island of 在…岛上 cut down a lot of trees 砍伐大量树木 enter the world of adults 进入成年的世界 [enter=go into] be full of /be filled with /be crowded with 充满… take place =happen 发生(无被动) Dramatic changes have taken place in China in the past seven decades. make cuts on their chests and their backs 在他们的胸上和背上划伤口 sb be taken to sp 某人被带到某地 The baby was taken to the hospital as soon as he was sick with flu. make/give/deliver a speech 演讲,致词 I’m always nervous when I make a speech. believe in sth 信赖,信任(某人)vs believe 相信…是真实的 He believes in his friend Grace. be responsible for sth./to sb. =have (the) responsibility for sth./to sb. 对…负责 sleep through/during the ceremony. 在仪式进行中睡着了 sb use A to do sth 用A去做sth =A be used to do sth by sb. A被



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