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红色在东西方中不同的含义象征 红色是幸运的象征: 在古代中国,红色是幸运色,是财富的象征,可以驱病避邪;在中国戏剧里,红 脸关公是人们敬奉的圣人,是忠义的代表;在近现代史,毛泽东所发起的“文化 大革命”被称为红色的海洋。 在印度,至今依然有许多人将头发染成红色。这是一种对美的追求。 红色被许多印第安人当成魔咒, 在跳神灵舞时, 族人的脸常常被染成了红色; 许 多红色的物品, 如画上图案的骨头、 石头和手帕也通常被人们看成是幸福和健康 的护身符。 居住在新几内亚的巴布亚人, 那里至今依然保留着石器时代的生活状况, 他们也 将红色视作幸运色。 新西兰的土著族毛利人将酋长的房子和战船漆成红色,在一些特殊的庆典活动 中,他们甚至将酋长及其家人的身体全部染成红色。 红色是灾难的象征: 在古代埃及, 如果庄稼欠收, 人们会认为是红发女郎惹的祸而杀死她们。 在信奉 基督教的西方国家 ( 爱尔兰是一个例外 ) ,人们认为红发女郎是魔鬼的情妇, “是 魔鬼用地狱的颜色做的标记”。 中世纪的欧洲, 红色成为政治争端的起因。 红色在农民战争期问作为平等的象征 被广泛使用,愤怒的农民为人人都可以穿“红袍” ( 一种前面开衩的大衣,在当 时广泛流行 ) 而斗争,而在此以前,这种特权只有富人才能享有。 Red is an ancient color to human. In ancient time, people get warm and light from the sun, fire was used to cook. The impression from the sun and fire were red, so they thought red is a warm color that can bring us into happiness and excitement. In both Chinese and English culture, red is usually associated with happy occasions. In red are the symbols of celebration, luck, victory, loyal and welcome. we Chinese, will hang red flags, red lanterns and stick red slogans to congratulate. ( “开门红 ” means achieving success at the first step;“走红运 ” means having good luck; “事业红 火 ” means a prosperous business; some red faced people in the play represent loyal heroes. The red words, red candle, red endshield红盖头 and the bride ’s red coat in the wedding can bring not only happy but also the good luck that which will make the bride and bridegroom live a rich life. ) In Chinese, the red also represent the revolution, “红色革命 ”means resisting despotic rule. The red can also representthe dangerous signal in Chinese, the fire truck and the alarm light in china are also red. In Chinese, red is also the description of the Erotic event. For example, “红杏出墙 ” means wife is disloyal to her husband;


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