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首都师范大学学士学位论文 曲线拟合在任意焦距的畸变校正中的应用 PAGE 论文编码:TP 273 首都师范大学本科学生毕业论文 电梯控制系统的设计 Elevator control system design 摘要 电子设计自动化(EDA)是一种实现电子系统或电子产品自动化设计的技术,它与电子技术、微电子技术的发展密切相关,它吸收了计算机科学领域的大多数必威体育精装版研究成果,以高性能的计算机作为工作平台,促进了工程发展。EDA的一个重要特征是使用硬件描述语言(HDL)来完成设计。超高速硬件描述语言(VHDL)是经IEEE和美国国防部确认的标准硬件描述语言,自IEEE公布了VHDL的标准版本,IEEE-1076之后,各EDA公司相继推出了自己的VHDL设计环境,或宣布自己的设计工具可以和VHDL接口。此后VHDL逐步取代了原有的非标准的硬件描述语言。1993年,IEEE对VHDL进行了修订,从更高的抽象层次和系统描述能力上扩展VHDL的内容。本文介绍了基于VHDL语言实现的电梯控制系统的设计,使用了状态机,并进行了软件和实验平台的仿真。该控制系统遵循方向优先的原则,提供楼层用户的载客服务并指示电梯的运行情况。说明了用VHDL 语言设计数字电路的方法以及VHDL 语言在数字电路设计仿真中的重要作用, 仿真结果表明VHDL 语言应用于数字电路仿真是切实可行的,该语言在电子设计领域受到了广泛的接受。 关键词: EDA VHDL 电梯控制 状态机 ABSTRACT Electronic design automation (EDA) is a realization of an electronic system or electronic design automation products of technology, with electronic technology, microelectronic technology is closely related to the development, it has absorbed most of the field of computer science and the latest research results, as a high-performance computer Working platform to promote the development of the project. EDA is an important feature of the use of hardware description language (HDL) to complete the design. Super-high-speed hardware description language (VHDL) is the IEEE and the U.S. Department of Defense confirmed the standard hardware description language, since the publication of the IEEE VHDL version of the standard, IEEE-1076, the EDA companies have launched their own VHDL design environment, or to be declared Their design tools and VHDL interface. Since then VHDL gradually replace the original non-standard hardware description language. 1993, IEEE on VHDL was revised from a higher level of abstraction and system capacity expansion VHDL description of the contents. In this paper, based on VHDL language of the elevator control system design, the use of the state machine and a software platform for simulation and experiment. The control system to follow the direction of the principle of giving priority to provide the p


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