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摘 要
含有一个或多个接口的机械系统中, 局部界面行为对总振动响应的影响在很大程度上仍
然是未知的。在本次工作中,我们从已有的实验结果出发, 结合实际中局部摩擦的情况,
关键字: 润滑;动力学;稳定性;机械系统
- II -
Friction-induced vibration of a lubricated
mechanical system
In a lubricated interface, the local dynamic responsescan be complex and
depend on molecular effects in the confined lubricating films. In a mechanical system
comprising one of such interfaces, the influence of the local interfacial behaviour on
the total vibrational responseremains largely unknown. In this work, we propose a
numerical model that incorporates realistic laws of local friction issued from previous
experimental results. The objective is to characterize the dynamics of a lubricated
system and to study its complex global responsestriggered by the local interfacial
behaviour. Both stability analysis and vibrational oscillations of the mechanical
system will be investigated through various operating conditions.
Key words: Lubrication; Dynamics; Stability; Mechanical system
- III -
东北大学硕士学位论文 目录
目 录
独创性声明 错 误!未定义书签。
学位论文版权使用授权书 错 误!未定义书签。
摘 要 II
Abstract III
第 1 章 绪论 1
第 2 章 模型描述 3
2.1 机械系统 3
2.2 润滑摩擦模型 3
2.3 机械系统的润滑摩擦模型 5
第 3 章 数值研究 7
3.1 稳定性分析 7
3.2 系统在润滑界面的非线性行为 8
3.2.1 连续小波变换的小波