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PAGE PAGE 22 基于移动互联网(智能手机)的校车乘(发)车系统APP软件的设计 摘要:随着社会经济的迅速发展,随着科学技术的巨大进步,以及计算机和互联网的发展,信息和软件技术在人们的生产生活中发挥着越来越突出的作用。与此同时,人们对生活质量和工作环境也有了更多的标准。但是在这种情况下,我国的城市公交运营系统还是处于一个比较落后的水平,公交的运营效率相对发达国家较低。为此,本文设计了一个基于java的安卓应用App,通过与客户端交互的方式,智能地调整和掌握校车的发车,为日后更大的智能公交系统的开发做铺垫。 这款软件与电脑上的控制中心有交互,手机端主要用户有司机、学生和老师,后两者就是乘客的角色,主要使用这款软件的登录、查询路线之类的功能,司机的角色,在登录之后只能操作自己用户中心,不过对于司机的角色,程序会在后台每过一站都会向数据库里存入一条数据,是记录该站和上一站的时间差,这个数据会以文本的形式保存在服务器上,便于系统管理员的统计与数据处理。 系统管理员在通过一系列的算法之后设计出一套优异的乘发车方案提供给校车队,然后校车队根据这个来发车。而这款软件的作用,就体现在这一过程的之前与之后,它提供了这一过程所有必要的数据,在这一过程之后,它又根据结果来初始化设置软件的各种基础设置,可以说,它的角色无可替代。 关键词: 发车智能公交应用程序安卓 Based on the mobile Internet (smartphone) bus (hair) bus system design of apps Abstract: With the rapid development of social economy, with the great progress of science and technology, and the development of computer and Internet, information and software technology plays an increasingly prominent role in peoples production and life. At the same time, people on the quality of life and working environment are more standard. But in this case, urban public transportation system in our country is still in a relatively backward level, the bus operating efficiency low relative to developed countries. Therefore, this paper designed a Java based Android Application App, and through the client interaction, intelligent adjustment and master bus departure, in order to pave the way for the future development of intelligent transportation system of the larger. The control center and the software on the computer interaction, mobile phone users have the main drivers, students and teachers, which is the main role of the passengers, the use of this software, the login query line like features, the role of drivers, operating only their own user center after logging in, but for the driver, the program will in the background of each station will be deposited into a data to the database, is the record of the station and a station time difference, the data will be in the form of text stored in the server, stat



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