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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Use the phrases in the box to replace the italicized idioms in the sentences. had a wonderful time; say something briefly; very jealous; felt very shocked; 1had the time of their lives during their recent visit to Hollywood 2.I almost jumped out of my skin when the dinosaur roared at us. had a wonderful time felt very shocked * 3.To cut a long story short,the director selected me. 4admitted that she was green with envy. say something briefly very jealous had a wonderful time; say something briefly; very jealous; felt very shocked; * learn some new words * jungle 丛林,密林 Dinosaurs used to live in the jungles. * humid (adj.) :warm and wet 湿热的 According to the weather report, tomorrow will be hot and humid. * chase: run after 追赶,追逐 Bob’s dog chases all the strangers, even a postman. * select (v.) : choose 选择 Helen was selected for the school volleyball team. * The words in italics are from the article. Choose the best meanings for them. 1 If something chased you, it ______. a shouted at you b chose you c ran after you * 2 when the dinosaur roared, it ______. a made a loud noise b jumped in the air c tried to eat them 3 The word extra means ______ playing a very part in a film. a a person b an animal c an object * 4 The word envy means the feeling that ____. a you are happy b you want something which another person has got c you are better than another person * 消遣;玩乐 闻起来像 看起来真的 朝…吼叫 淋湿 电影明星 扮演角色 似乎做…… for pleasure smell like+名词 look real roar at get wet film/movie star act the role seem to do…. Find out phrases * 谢谢 * * * We use relative clauses to give information about people or things. Relative clauses about people start with who or that. Those about things start with which or that. Relative clauses should come immediately after the people or things that they describe. Soon the boys who were free would come along. Ben Rogers was the first boy that came along the road. Tom


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