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能源企业销售策略分析一以DT公司煤炭销售为例 摘要 DT煤矿集团有限责任公司作为我国的煤炭带头企业,近年来所依据的市场形势和资 源使用情况一直朝不利的方向发展,低碳经济的影响、金融危机的影响、“去产能”煤炭 生产的限制、环境保护煤炭使用限制等都影响着企业的生产。过去良好的煤炭生产销 售环境已经变的不容乐观,同时,也督促煤炭企业不断改造、创新煤炭营销。下文中, 将通过分析DT公司煤炭销售的微观、宏观环境,通过SWoT工具,描述出DT公司内外部环境所 面临的机会和威胁。并提出相应的营销策略。 关键词:DT煤矿集团有限公司;营销分析;“去产能” ABSTRACT DT coal mine Refco Group Ltd as China,s coal enterprises take the lead, in recent years based on the market situation and resource usage has been in negative direction, low carbon economy influence, the influence of the financial crisis, the capacity to limit coal production and environmental protection in coal use constraints all affect the production. In the past, good coal production and marketing environment has become less optimistic. At the same time, it also urged coal enterprises to constantly transform and innovate coal marketing. In the following, we will analyze the micro and macro environment of DT,s coal sales and describe the opportunities and threats faced byDTcompany,s internal and external environment through SWOT tools. And puts forward the corresponding marketing strategy. Key WOrdszDTCoal Mine Group Co., Ltd.; marketing analysis; production capacity TOC \o 1-5 \h \z \o Current Document 一、绪论 1 \o Current Document (一)研究目的和意义 1 \o Current Document .研究目的 1 \o Current Document .研究意义 1 \o Current Document (二)研究方法与论文结构 1 \o Current Document .研究方法 1 .论文结构 1 \o Current Document 二、相关理论介绍 3 (-)营销理论发展 3 \o Current Document (二)宏观环境之PEST分析 3 (三)波特五力分析模型 3 \o Current Document (四)SWOT分析 4 \o Current Document 三、DT公司所处环境分析 5 \o Current Document (一)宏观环境分析 5 \o Current Document .自然环境分析 5 \o Current Document .政治法律环境分析 5 \o Current Document .经济环境分析 6 \o Current Document .技术分析 7 \o Current Document .社会分析 8 \o Current Document (二)微观环境分析 8 \o Current Document .公司内部分析 8 \o Current Document .行业潜在进入者 8 \o Current Document .供应商分析 9 \o Current Document .替代品的竞争 9 \o Current Document .顾客分析 10 \o Current Document .行业内竞争 10 \o Current Document 四、目前醵炭公司销售所


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