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自动化码头创新方案设计 摘要 随着世界经济总量的增长,国际贸易的迅速发展,海洋运输正向着高效化,智能化,信息化方向发展。 集装箱运输由于其载重量大,安全系数高,规格统一等特点,受到了人们越来越多的关注。为了适应现代化港口 物流业发展的需求,将码头发展成为综合性物流中心,我们需要对码头的设计方法进行不断的改进,对设计理念 进行符合现代科技发展速度的创新,因此,提出了建设自动化集装箱码头的重要理念。 自动化码头总共经历了三代的发展,并且每一代的码头工作效率,自动化程度与前一代相比都有了 显著地提高。自动化码头主要由泊位,岸桥,水平运输系统,自动化堆场,外部送装/提货区组成, 其调度主要依靠控制中心所使用的智能控制系统。每一个环节的改进都对自动化码头的发展起着至关 重要的作用。 目前全球范围内正式投产的自动化码头在初始成本控制,岸桥作业等方面或多或少都存在着缺陷。 本文旨在对自动化码头的工作系统进行对比研究,并对其效率,工作方式,能耗等方面进行评估。结合现 有的码头设计方案,对各环节提出创新方案,并对创新方案的优缺点进行总结,在理论上完善自 动化码头的运作方式。 关键词:自动化码头,作业效率,工作系统,创新方案 The Innovation Design of Automated Container Terminal ABSTRACT With the growth of world economy and rapid development of international trade, maritime transport is developing towards high efficiency, intelligence, and information. Because of its large capacity , high safety and uniform specifications and other characteristics, container transport has been paid more and more attention.In order to adapt to the development of modem port logistics industry and to develop the port into a comprehensive logistics center, we need to make much innovation to the thinking of design, therefore, the idea of building automation terminals have been proposed. The development of automation terminals have experience its three generations, and each generation has higher efficiency and level of automation. Automated terminal consists of the berth, quayside, horizontal transport system, automatic yard and send/delivery area, its scheduling mainly rely on intelligent control system used by the control center. The improvement of every aspect of automation terminal plays a vital role to its development. At present, the automation terminals of the whole world have some problem in cost control and automatic crane operation and some other aspects. This paper aims to compare the system, the efficiency, the energy cost of automatic terminal .Combining the existing design, to give innovative solution to every aspects of automation terminal. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of our desi


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