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Have you got an encyclopaedia at home? Have you ever read an encyclopaedia in the library? Do you know any types of encyclopaedias? * 精品PPT * 精品PPT * 精品PPT Encyclopaedias can help you with your studies. Some encyclopaedias give us facts or information about all kinds of subjects. The subjects are usually in alphabetical order with guide words at the top of each page. An encyclopaedia often consists of a number of books. These books are called volumes. * 精品PPT A In which volumes of the encyclopaedia on the right would you find the information listed below? Write the number of the volume for each topic. * 精品PPT Some encyclopaedias give information on different subjects. Do you know what topics these books give information on? * 精品PPT a Elephants _____ b Light _____ c The Stone Age _____ d Opera _____ e Pianos _____ f Sound _____ g The Tang Dynasty _____ h Trees _____ B In which of the following encyclopaedias would you look for information on these topics? Write the numbers for each topic. * 精品PPT Ancient numbers Greek Egyptian (希腊的; 希腊人; 希腊语) (埃及的;埃及人) * 精品PPT Roman Ⅰ=1 Ⅴ=5 Ⅹ=10 L=50 C= 100 D= 500 M=1000 III=3, Ⅳ=4, Ⅵ=6, ⅩⅨ=19, ⅩⅩ=20, ⅩLⅤ= MCMⅩⅩC= 1980 45 * 精品PPT Chinese 壹 贰 叁 肆 伍 陆 柒 捌 玖 拾 佰 仟 万 * 精品PPT Who invented these numbers? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Who invented “zero”? Why was it a very important invention? Indian Arabian number It made it easier to write big numbers and to calculate. * 精品PPT 30% a percentage n.百分数, 百分比 60 o a number showing degrees n.度数, 度, a protractor a pair of compasses √ 56 square root 平方根 * 精品PPT What are these? a decimal number adj. 小数的, n.小数 0.824 a pair of odd number adj. 奇数的, 单数的, 不成对的, 51 89 a fraction n. 分数 5 6 a pair of even number adj. 偶数的 32 158 * 精品PPT + add ; plus - subtract , minus x multiply, times ÷ divide = equals * 精品PPT Calculating machines an abacus bead one of the first calculating machines fast and accurate used today * 精品PPT


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