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人和大鼠颈动脉生物力学特性的对比研究 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:人和大鼠颈动脉生物力学特性的对比研究 1 1 材料与方法 2 2 结 果 4 3 讨 论 5 文2:人和大鼠颈动脉生物力学特性的相关研究 7 1 材料与方法 8 2 结 果 10 3 讨 论 11 参考文摘引言: 13 原创性声明(模板) 14 文章致谢(模板) 14 正文 人和大鼠颈动脉生物力学特性的对比研究 文1:人和大鼠颈动脉生物力学特性的对比研究 Abstract: OBJECTIVE Aortic vascular seitivity was compared between different species to search for possible causes of significant discrepancy between basic experiments and clinical observatio. METHODS Carotid arteries were harvested from anesthetized Wistar rats and cadave who died within 2 hou . The respoe to 68mmol/L KCL and noradrenalin was assessed for observation of vascular seitivity to electromechanical coupling vasocotrictor and receptor-mediated vasocotrictor between rats and human. RESULTS (1) The arterial rings of rats possessed swift and repetitive respoe to 68 mmol/L KCL. The teion of rings restored to baseline when the rings were washed with fresh Krebs-Heeleit Solution. The arterial rings of cadave had peistent vasocotriction and the teion did not restored after the incubation solution was switched into fresh Krebs-Heeleit Solution. (2) The arterial rings from rats and cadave possessed similar respoe to noradrenalin and sodium Human and rats have similar receptor-mediated vasocotriction mechanism. The respoe to electromechanical coupling vasocotriction is different between human and rats, which indicats human and rats possess different channel characteristic. So those may be the primary cause of significant discrepancy between basic experiments and clinical observatio. Key words: Cardioprotection;Electromechanical coupling;Potassium 体外循环(cardiopulmonary bypass,CPB)心脏直视手术的患者,在围术期会受到不同程度的干扰和损伤。为减轻术后脏器功能不全的发生,学者们曾应用不同实验动物进行了大量的实验研究,但我们发现,有些在动物实验中应用的方法和技术在临床应用时结果不尽相同。本实验通过比较大鼠和人体动脉血管的生物力学特性,揭示不同种属间组织结构和功能方面的差异,从而为临床应用提供帮助。 1 材料与方法 实验材料 Wistar 大鼠(清洁级,购自 中国 人民解放军军事医学 科学 院实验动物中心 );人颈总动脉血管条(取自脑死亡供体) 实验仪器 Powerlab 4 腔张力检测仪;Sartorius Basicplus BP211D天平;JB-3型磁力搅拌器。 实验步骤 液体的配制 实验当日配制Krebs-Heelei



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