EIM Starter Unit 5 They’ve got brown eyes单元知识要点.docx

EIM Starter Unit 5 They’ve got brown eyes单元知识要点.docx

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EIM Starter PAGE 2 Unit 5 They’ve got brown eyes Part 1 (P40-41) NEW WORDS intelligent [?n?tel?d??nt] adj. 聪明的 finger [?f??ɡ?(r)] n. 手指 because [b??k?z] conj. 因为 eye [a?] n. 眼睛 chocolate [?t??kl?t] n. 巧克力 similar [?s?m?l?(r)] adj. 相似的 almost [???lm??st] adv. 差不多,几乎 body [?b?di] n. 身体 smile [sma?l] n./v. 微笑 fish [f??] n. 鱼,鱼类,鱼肉 thumb [θ?m] n. 拇指 percent [p??s?nt] n. 百分比 hand [h?nd] n. 手 human [?hju?m?n] n. 人,人类;adj. 人的(pl. humans) jump [d??mp] v. 跳跃 difference [?d?fr?ns] n. 差异,不同 different [?d?fr?nt] adj. 不同的 laugh [lɑ?f] v. 笑 camera [?k?m?r?] n. 照相机,摄影机 forest [?f?r?st] n. 森林 often [??fn] adv. 常常,时常 why [wa?] adv. 为什么 enough [??n?f] adj./adv. 足够 same [se?m] adj. 相同的 too [tu?] adv. 太,非常 BEING UNDERSTOOD chimpanzee [?t??mp?n?zi?] n. 大猩猩 chemical [?kem?kl] adj. 化学的;n. 化学品 Africa [?fr?k?] n. 非洲 etc. adv. 等等(=and so on) WORD TRANSFORMATION Africa [?fr?k?] n. 非洲 [??fr?k?n] adj./n. 非洲(人)的,非洲人 intelligent [?n?tel?d??nt] adj. 聪明的 intelligence [?n?tel?d??ns] n. 智力,智慧 similar [?s?m?l?(r)] adj. 相似的 similarity [?s?m??l?r?ti] n. 相似性 difference [?d?fr?ns] n. 差异,不同 different [?d?fr?nt] adj. 不同的 PHRASES SENTENCES jump up and down 上蹿下跳 She jumps up and down. 基数词+percent of Ninety-eight percent of human DNA and chimpanzee DNA is the same. What percent/percentage of human DNA and chimpanzee DNA is the same? both…and… …和…两者都 a little girl 一个小女孩 a big smile 灿烂的微笑; smile at sb. 朝某人微笑 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 be different from和…不一样; a difference between A and B A和B之间的不同之处 be similar to 和…相似 be the same as 和…一样 In the country/countryside; in the forest; in Africa; in town(s); in city/cities enough money; beautiful enough; be not enough =be short of have/hashave got/has got的区别: have/has Eg. They have many toy bears. He has many toy bears. Negative: They don’t have many toy bears. He doesn’t have many toy bears. Y/N question: Do they have many toy bears? Does he have many toy bears? Answers: Yes, they do./No, they don’t. Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t. have got/has got(haven’t got/hasn’t got) Eg


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