商务英语翻译授课教案 第四单元.doc

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PAGE 第 页 章 序 名 称 第四单元 增益翻译法 周 次 第 4 周 授课时间 2017年9 教 学 目 的 要 求 1. 理解商务英语翻译中的增益翻译法 2. 掌握商务英语翻译中的增益翻译法 教 学 重 点 商务英语翻译中的增益翻译法 教 学 难 点 商务英语翻译中的增益翻译法 教学场所 环境 多媒体教室 授 课 方 式 课堂讲授(√); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( ) 课时分配 2 教 学 方 法 课堂讲授 教学手段 网络教学( ); 多媒体(√) 教 学 用 具 黑板,课件,多媒体 教 学 内 容 提 要 备 注 Review (5 mins) How to choose the proper meanings of words in business English translation? How to deal with polysemy in business English translation? Lead-in (5 mins) Exercise e.g. The integration of computer systems is indispensable in unifying documentation and also for such tasks as the placing of orders with factories, product delivery and information management. 译文:在统一文件编制格式,实施诸如工厂订单、货物交付、信息管理等各项任务时,将不同的电脑系统进行整合是必不可少的。 Explaining (40 mins) 这种在翻译过程中通过增添一些必要成分使得译文所表达的思想更为充分的方法叫做增益翻译法(amplification)。 Amplification, also called addition, means supplying necessary words in our translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original. It means some words in the target language are supplied for expressing smoothly the original in meaning, syntax and rhetoric. Notice: The words we add should be those necessary to the translation but may not necessary to the original. (一)语法结构性增益 ①English has no measure words(量词), while Chinese has. an elephant 一头大象(增补名量词) (一)语法结构性增益 ②The English verbs have various forms and they vary with the time, aspect(体) and mood(语气), while the Chinese verbs don’t have various forms. e.g. Yesterday evening I had seen her on her knees in front of the house. 译文:昨天夜晚我曾看见她跪在房子前面。(增补表示时态的词) (一)语法结构性增益 e.g. We won’t retreat, we never have and never will. 译文:我们不后退,我们从来没有后退过,我们将来也决不后退。 (增补表示时态的词/增补原文中省略的词) (一)语法结构性增益 ③The English countable nouns have singular and plural forms, while the Chinese nouns don’t. e.g. The lion is the king of animals. 译文:狮子是百兽之王。 (增补体现复数的词) (一)语法结构性增益 e.g. The mountains began to throw their long blue shadows over the valley. 译文:群山开始向山谷投下一道道蔚蓝色长影。(增补体现复数的词) (一)语法结构性增益 e.g. The success or failu


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