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* The global end-diastolic volume consists of the end-diastolic volumes of all four cardiac chambers. Even if this volume does not exist physiologically (diastole of all four cardiac chambers is not simultaneous), it does reflect the filling status of the heart and is a valid parameter of cardiac preload compared to the filling pressures. * * * Brief presentation of another parameter that is not a preload parameter but is nevertheless highly important for guiding volume management: Extravascular lung water signifies the water content of the lungs outside the blood vessels. The EVLW therefore consists of the interstitial, intracellular and intraalveolar water of lung tissue. Pulmonary oedema can be diagnosed with certainty and its severity determined with the extravascular lung water. The parameter can be measured at the bedside using thermodilution, in contrast to conventional methods such as chest X-ray. The level of lung water and changes in this can provide important information for guiding volume therapy, as the point of time from which volume therapy leads to the development of pulmonary oedema can be identified. * * 肺血管通透性指数(PVPI)是血管外肺水和肺血容量的比值,通过PVPI可以分辨肺水肿的类型,提示了肺水肿形成的原因。 PiCCOplus容量监护仪 ICU丁广湘 -临床意义及其护理 第一页,编辑于星期二:二十一点 二十四分。 2. PiCCO测量参数的临床意义 内容 3. PiCCO应用中的护理 1. 什么是PiCCO 第二页,编辑于星期二:二十一点 二十四分。 什么是PiCCO技术? Picco的定义: (Pulse Indicator Continuous Cardiac Output )脉波轮廓温度稀释连续心排血量监测:采用热稀释方法测量单次的CO,通过分析动脉压力波形曲线下面积来获得连续的心输出量,同时可计算胸内血容量、血管外肺水、肺毛细血管通透性指数、全心舒张末期容积、每搏量变异、脉压变异、全心射血分数、心脏功能指数、外周血管阻力等参数。 第三页,编辑于星期二:二十一点 二十四分。 中心静脉导管 注射液温度探头容纳管 PV4046 PCCI AP 13.03 16.28 TB37.0 AP 140 117 92 (CVP) 5 SVRI 2762 PC CI 3.24 HR 78 SVI 42 SVV 5% dPmx 1140 (GEDI) 625 压力线 206PMK 动脉热稀释导管 PULSION 一次性压力传感器 PV8115 (包括PV4046) 温度测量电缆 PC80150 注射液温度电缆 PC80109 什么是PiCCO技术? 第四页,编辑于星期二:二十一点 二十四分。 什么是PiCCO技术? 3次热稀释校准 经肺热稀释曲线 injection t T 动脉脉搏轮廓分析 P t =两种技术 经热稀释方法得到的非连续性参数 心输出量 CO 全心舒张末期容积 GEDV 胸腔内血容量 ITBV


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