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1. 现在各行各业的人越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种难题 . Now people in different walks of life depend more and more on computers to solve various kinds of difficult problems 2. 他已做出计划 ,每月留出一些钱准备明年去北京旅行 . He has made a plan to set aside some money every month for a trip to Beijing next year. 3 . 现代科学技术的发展使社会发生了巨大的变化 . The development of modern science and technology has brought about great social changes. 4 . 直到会议结束之后 ,他才放弃自己的想法 . It was not until after the meeting that he gave up his idea. 5 . 我们不要怕别人指出我们的缺点。 We should not be afraid of having our shortcomings pointed out. 6 . 雨下的太大了,我们出不了门 . It rained so hard that we couldn ’t go out. 7 . 请务必在离开营地前把所有的火都熄灭掉。 Please make sure to put out all the fires before leaving the camping ground. 8 . 我们不能排除天气有变坏的可能性 . We can not rule out there possibility that the weather may turn out to be bad. 9 . 要么做好失败的准备 ,要么干脆别做 .Either prepare yourself for failure or don ’t do it at all . 10. 一看到多年未见的老友 ,她突然哭了起来 . At the sight of the old friend she hadn ’t seen for years, she burst into tears. 11. 他自失业以来减少了他的日常开支 . He has cut down on his daily expenses since he lost his job. 12. 当被问及为何不愿与姐姐同在一屋时 , 她只是一声不吭 . When asked why she didn ’t want to share the room with her sister, she just kept silent. 13. 请务必安排最好的摄影师在结婚典礼上照相 . Be sure to arrange for the best photographer to take pictures at the wedding ceremony. 14. 他是否受过正规训练与成为一名优秀的演员并不相干 . Whether he has received formal training or not is not relevant to being a fine actor. 15. 诸如空气污染和交通拥堵之类的问题早已引起政府的关注 . Such problems as air pollution and heavy traffic have already attracted the government ’s attention. 16. 那部新电影是根据真实故事而制作的 ,我认为它值得一看


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