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大学英语 (二) 练习题(必威体育精装版版) General Review (Book 2) Part I Vocabulary 100 题 Directions : Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. A 1) People _____with each other by spoken or written language. A. communicate B. refresh C. follow D. imitate B2) You should _____ on the road when you ’re driving. A. organize B. concentrate C. improve D. contact D3) His secretary is very _____; she does her job well and quickly. A. characteristic B. harmful C. effective D. efficient B4) The only _____ for his behavior is that he is mad. A. reason B. explanation C. purpose D. aim C5) It ’s a good opportunity. You should _____ it. A. make up B. make out C. make use of D. make for B6). You could make yourself understood _____ gestures (手势)if you don ’t speak the same language. A. by no means B. by means of C. by all means D. by means B7) Your plan won ’t work. You ’d better _____ it _____. A. give … away B. give … up C. give … out D. give … off C8) He wanted to try but his fear of failure always _____him _____. A. held …against B. held …on C. held …back D. help …up B9) The little bird learned to fly _____ its parents. A. by watching B. by imitating C. by concentrating D. by repeating C10) The college has brought me into _____with western ideas A. touch B. link C. contact D. guide C11) He was very _____ about the colors he used. A. special B. ordinary


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