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大学英语中高级课程 《跨文化交际》电子教案 Week1 Culture and Intercultural Communication (I) I. Teaching objectives 1. To get to understand what is culture and what is intercultural communication 2. To get to understand different metaphors of culture 3. 4. To understand how culture governs people’s speech and behaviors II. Classroom activities 1. Brainstorming activity: What are the things that come up in your mind when you think of “Chinese culture”? 2. Definitions of culture — E.B.Tylor (1871) in Primitive Culture: “that complex wh ole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of a society. ” — Lustig Koester: “Culture is a learned set of shared perceptions about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people ” — Gudykunst: Culture is our theory of the game being played in our society. We use our theory of the game being played in interacting with the other people we encounter. It tells us how to communicate with others and how to interpret their behavior. We generally are not highly aware of the rules of the game being played, but we behave as though there is general agreement on the rules. —Anthropologists: the total way of living 3. Cultural mini-drama: Situation: Wang Liang worked in a Sino-German Joint Venture. One day, on his way to the coffee machine, he found that Wolfgang, one of his German colleagues, had seemingly gotten rather involved in a newspaper. Out of curiosity, Wang came up to Wolfgang so he could glance at the newspaper. Then he asked, “Which one are you reading? Is it interesting?


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