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In 2016 County Economic w orkshop S hang of spe ech comra de are: this county economi c work shop of main ta sk is, full im plement impl ementation Ce ntral, and provi nci al, and muni cipal economic work shop a nd province party main leaders semi nar spirit , recalle d summary results, a nalysi s judge situation, arrangements de ployment new a nnual focus w ork task, mobilization County upper a nd l ower further gra sp new normal, impleme ntation new conce pt, temper new style, show ne w as, str uggled to a dvance County economic social tra nsf ormation upgra de science development. Foll owi ng, told four a a spe cts of probl em: a, and full certainly results, effective firm transformation upgrade of confi dence and determi nation 2015, face macr oeconomic dow n pressure conti nue d increase d of severe situati on a nd difficult heavy of reform development task, County upper a nd l ower tight at Central and pr ovinces seri es major decision de ployme nt, firmly grasp stability in the seeki ng into t otal tone , active adapted economi c devel opme nt new normal, focused focus fiel d, full work storming, County economic soci al devel opme nt rendering out contrarian t o good, a nd sta bility in t he ha s into, a nd more poi nts breakt hrough, a nd Overall a good trend. One is closely linked t o the transformation a nd upgradi ng of the g lobal, compre hensive e conomic power significa ntly. A ccurately gauge the ma cro sit uation and based on real compre hensive pla n, strongly pr omote the sustai ned a nd healthy development of economy and society. Proje ct support ca pacity i ncrea sed sig nifica ntly. A dhere t o the inside and out side simultane ously, buil d, impl ementation of nati onal a nd provincial inve stment of 625 milli on Yuan, for State one or tw o, three , four or five specifi c bond f unds and local repla ceme nt bond funds of 554 milli on Yuan, for the starting year of key constr ucti on pr oje cts ha s laid a soli d foundati on. In partic


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