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Em ma Wa tso ns Speech at th e One Youn g Wo rl d Summit 2016 Ottawa, Ca nad a 28 Se ptember 201 6 T han k you 。 (L aug hs。) Two yea rs ago, I launched campa ign ca lled He ForSh e at the UN in New York 。 I w as very nervous b efore t hat sp eec h. The nerves w ere f oll owed by a treme nd ous hi gh im me dia te ly a fterwards and a cru shi ng low a few days aft er th at 。 My be st hopes and m y w orst fe ars w ere confi rm ed all at on ce。 I ha d ope ne d Pando ra’s Box to a standin g o vation and al most simult ane ous ly, a l evel of cr i tiq ue I had ne ver e xperie nc ed i n my life and t he b eginning of wha t wou ld become a series of threats。 The las t t wo years have been a bapti sm of fi re, to say th e l east, w her e I lea rned just how li tt le I know and a lso how m u ch。 It wa s my sc ar y firs t s te p a s an acti vist , a w ord I ne ver imag ined that I wou ld use to descr ib e myse lf 。 So, rea ding t he appl ications o f act ivists who a pply here for One Yo ung W orld s ch olarships was s urprising to m e. H er e I was, readi ng t he sto ri es of p eople f rom near ly 200 diff eren t co un trie s from arou nd the world with ex per iences t hat I c ouldnt even ima g in e。 I mea n, I rea ll y just – th ey were so ou t o f this wo rld to me. And ye t, their note s l ook like my notes。 The s ame th emes emerged over an d o ver and over ag ain 。 T her e was so much ov erlap wit h the th ings that I ha d been thinking about and th at I had be en strugg ling with becau se t he t ru th


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