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. . PAGE . .word. - -- - 专业资料- 龙固中一新村住宅小区 本工程为“沛县龙固中一新村住宅小区〞栋号为1#号楼工程,工程位于沛龙公路北侧,龙固镇西侧。建筑面积约6438平方米,7层,建筑高度20.55米。砖混构造,民用住宅。本工程抗震设防烈度7度,耐火等级二级,建筑使用耐久年限二级,主体构造合理使用年限50年,屋面防水等级Ⅲ级。本工程为砖混构造住宅楼,构造层次为7层;平安等级为二级,建筑场地类别为Ⅱ类。根底采用钢筋混凝土条形根底。混凝土强度等级:基底垫层为C15素砼,根底采用C35砼,其余C25砼。根底下采用粉喷桩. 砌体材料:±0.000以下墙体采用MU10普通烧结砖,M10水泥砂浆,车库层及一层墙体采用MU10普通烧结砖,M10混合砂浆,二层到屋面采用采用MU10普通烧结砖,M7.5混合砂浆,120厚墙为非承重墙,应后塞, 楼板,屋面板均为现浇钢筋砼构造。 钢筋: HPB235级钢筋,强度标准值为210N/mm2,符号为φ。HPB335级钢筋,强度标准值为300N/mm2,符号为φ。HRB400级钢筋,强度标准值为360N/mm2,符号为Φ 。 关键字:砖混,抗震设防,材料,条形根底,钢筋 Dragon solid village residential area This project is a solid Peixian a village residential Building No. 1 # building project, project is located in Pei Dragon Road on the north side of,Guzhen on the West side.Construction area of about 6438 square meters, 6 floor, building 17.55 meters high. Masonry structure, civilian residential.,The seismic fortification intensity of 7 degree,Refractory grade two, building use durable life of two grade, the main structure and reasonable service life of 50 years, roof waterproof grade III level. This works for the residential building with brick-concrete structure, structure of 6 layer; safety grade two, construction site for the type of category. The foundation of the reinforced concrete strip foundation. The strength grade of concrete: the basal layer of C15 concrete, concrete foundation by using C35, the C25 concrete. Foundation by powder jet pile. Masonry materials: plus or minus 0 wall by using MU10 ordinary fired brick, cement mortar M10, garage layer and a layer of ordinary fired brick wall adopts MU10, M10 mixed mortar, the two layer to the roof by using MU10 ordinary sinter brick, M7.5 mixed mortar, 120 thick wall for


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