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示范性高等院校应用型规划教材商务英语写作实务Business English Writing PracticeUnit 1 General Introduction of Business WritingLearning Objectivesknow what the 3 functions of business writing are;know what the 5 key elements of business writing are;know what the 7 principles of business writing areI. Functions of Business WritingInforming means to convey information to complete daily operations of business.Influencing means if we want a desired response, it is important to influence the reader’s emotions.Entertaining means our writing can gain the readers’ active or positive responses.II. Key Elements of Business WritingThe key elements are: WhoWhatWhenWherewhy or how.III. Principles of Business WritingThe principles are:ClarityConcisenessConcretenessCorrectnessConsiderationCompleteness CourtesyClarity means clearness.Sample 1Hi John,I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel, who’s working in your department. He’s a great asset, and I’d like to talk to you more about him when you have time.Best,SkipSample 2Hi John,I wanted to write you a quick note about Daniel Kedar, who’s working in your department. In recent weeks, he’s helped the IT department through several pressing deadlines on his own time.We’ve got a tough upgrade project due to run over the next three months, and his knowledge and skills would prove invaluable. Could we please have his help with this work?I’d appreciate speaking with you about this. When is it best to call you to discuss this further?Best wishes,SkipConciseness means to write in the fewest possible words without sacrificing completeness and courtesy.Sample 1 Hi Matt,I wanted to touch base with you about the e-mail marketing campaign we kind of sketched out last Thursday. I really think that our target market is definitely going to want to see the company’s philanthropic efforts. I think that could make a big impact, and it would stay in their minds longer than a sales pitch.For instance, if we talk about the company’s efforts to become sustainable, as well a



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