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修改病句(15 points, 3 points each)
Correct the errors in the fol lowing sentences.
Examp Ie: After seeing an offens i ve mouthwash ad ontelevision. I resolved never to buy that brand again.
After see i ng an offens i ve mouthwash ad on television, Iresolved never to buy that brand again.
Mr. Baker used to teach arts i n Memor i a I High Schoo I
I used to be a student there.
My parents bought a house from a man with no insidep I umb i ng.
The World Wide Web is easy to use. Loaded with Iinksand graphics.
To please the chiIdren, some fireworks were set offa day ear I ier.
The tribe emphasized collective survival, mutuaI aidand being responsible for one another.
.重写句子(15 points, 1.5 points each)
Revise each of the fol lowing sentences according to therequirement in brackets.
Examp Ie: The history of Engli sh words i s the history ofour civilization in many ways, (periodic sentence)
In many ways, the history of English words is the historyof our civilization.
Learning a new language demands time. It needs patiencetoo. (simple sentence)
Bacon stepped to the front of the room. He tripped overthe microphone cord, (compound sentence)
Harr ison, s Chemical Corpora!ion is a company. Itsponsors important research, (comp I ex sentence)
We Iooked at only two houses before buying the houseof our dreams, (periodic sentence)
Pigeons adjust to farm I ife. They adjust to city streets.In city streets they peck their I ivel ihoods from garage heaps,(compound-comp I ex sentence)
She was greatly disappointed to find that the picturedid not look I ike her. (sentence with to opener)
He cut the grass. She trimmed the bushes. The chiIdrenswept the cl ippings and put them into plastic bags, (longsentence)
She stood there. She watched the fair woman walk downthe long Iine of galleries with grace and majesty, (sentencewith a modifying phrase)
Tom went to col lege. His brother James didn, t. Jameshad a very weak heart, (compound-comp I ex sentence )
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