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;;Look at the poster. Complete it with words from the boxes. ;;;;顾客: 你好,我想要这些衬衫。 售货员: 好的。这里有黑色,绿色和蓝色的各一件。 顾客: 没错。 售货员: 请确保它们都是正确的尺寸。 顾客: 是的,它们都是大号,都是我的尺寸。 售货员: 很好。我来告诉你我们的退款政策。 顾客: 我在听。 售货员: 你可以在购买商品的30天内随时调换商品。如果你 想调换,必须保证商品的标签都在上面,并且带来 收据。 顾客: 我明白了。 售货员: 很好。一共150美元。你用现金还是信用卡付款呢? 顾客 现金。给您。 售货员: 谢谢您。祝您生活愉快。 顾客: 谢谢。再见。;;;employee n. 雇员;受雇者 ;exchange v. 调换;item n. 一项;一件;policy n. 政策;方针;receipt n. 收据;小票 ;refund n. 退款;return v. 退回;返回;service n. 服务;;;Mateo: Hello, Mrs. Smith. Is everything OK? Mrs. Smith: Well, I want to (1) ________ this sweater, but I don’t have the receipt. It was a present. Mateo: Oh, I see. Well, you can (2) ________ it for something else in the store. Do you see anything you’d like in the store? Mrs. Smith: Actually, I really like that (3) ________ over there. Mateo: Well, maybe you can exchange this (4) ________ for that blouse over there. Hector: Here you are, Mrs. Smith. This looks just your (5) ________. Mrs. Smith: Great. It’s perfect. How much is it? Hector: It is $59.50. Mrs. Smith: Oh... the sweater was only 52 dollars. What can I do? Mateo: Oh, that’s OK. You can just pay the (6) ________. That would be $7.50. Mrs. Smith: OK, that’s fine. Thanks, Mateo. ;;Mateo: OK. So you’re sure you understand everything? Hector: I think so. It doesn’t seem too difficult. Mateo: OK. Great. Well, I could use a break, so I’ll be back in a few minutes. I will see you later. Hector: OK. I’ll see you when you get back. Mrs. Smith: Hector? Hector: Mrs. Smith! How are you? Mrs. Smith: I’m fine, thanks. What are you doing here? I didn’t know you worked here. Hector: It’s my first day. And you are my first customer! How can I help you? Mrs. Smith: Well, I have a little problem. Hector: Really? What is it? Mrs. Smith: I want to return this sweater. Hector: Oh? OK. What’s wrong with it?;Mrs. Smith: Well, my sister gave it to me for my birthday. But it’s too big, and I don’t really like the color. I do


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