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;;Complete the column (专栏文章) with words or the expression from the boxes. ;;1. Sam is a(n) ___________ person. He loves to go hiking and climb mountains. 2. There are two ___________ of questions in this game: History and Sports. 3. Peter has a thirty-twopamphlet explaining the ___________ of basketball. 4. Agnes is a(n) ___________ soccer fan. She watched every match of the World Cup in 2018. 5. I love to play ___________ on rainy days. You can have a lot of fun without going outside. 6. Jenny was once a(n) ___________ on a game show. She won a lot of money. 7. Kevin is a real ___________. He owns around 30 video games. 8. The ___________ for the lottery this week is $10 million. 9. Amanda likes ___________. She uses the computer to shop online, play games, chat with friends and do her homework. 10. I’m into arts and ___________. I’m a creative person and I like to make things by hand.;;;男: 我跟你说我的新爱好了吗? 女: 没有,是什么? 男: 我开始对摄影感兴趣了。 女: 摄影?什么类型的? 男: 嗯,我喜欢给食物拍照片。 女: 食物?听着有些无聊。 男: 不!其实这非常酷。我去餐馆给我点的食物拍照。然后我把照片发 在我的博客上,并点评这些食物。 女: 哦,所以这些照片是用来写餐馆评论。有点意思……博客叫什么名 字? 男: 叫做“吃喝在纽约”。你可以用谷歌搜一下。 女: 我会的!期待看你发的文章。;;;avid adj. 劲头十足的;热衷的 ;category n.类别;种类 ;contestant n. 选手;参加竞赛者 ;craft n. 工艺;手艺 ;gamer n. 电脑游戏玩家 ;outdoorsy adj. 爱好户外活动的 ;prize n. 奖品;奖金 ;rule n. 规则;规定;board game 棋类游戏 ;surf the Net 网上冲浪;浏览因特网 ;;;;;Naomi: OK, let’s get ready to play. Hector: What’s the name of the game again? Naomi: It’s called “Gee Whiz”. There are three categories of questions: U.S. Geography, U.S. Government, and Great Moments in History. Hector: And what are the rules? Naomi: It’s very easy. We take turns asking questions. The player who answers correctly gets a point. Mateo: Well, let’s start with Geography, because that’s my specialty. Naomi: OK, here’s the first question. Which state is in the center of the country: Arizona, Colorado or Kansas? Hector: I know—Um, Colorado? Mateo: Colorado and Arizona are both in the Southwest. S



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