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黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 摘 要 随着社会经济的发展,专用车辆已经广泛应用于各个行业,并发挥着越来越重要的 作用。作为专用车辆中最高端的产品类型之一,高空作业车的产品数量和性能质量的需 求也在不断提高。高位举升路灯维护车属于高空作业车高空作业车是运送人员和器材到 现场并进行空中作业的专用车辆。通过对学校高位举升路灯维护车的使用情况的调研, 了解设计其过程中出现的问题,并提出改进方案,用增加自动限制幅度、高度、载荷、 角度、支腿的稳定性等安全措施提高学校高位举升路灯为回车的安全性,并运用材料力 学、理论力学的理论基础和计算方法,在满足材料强度、刚度和稳定性的条件下,设计 既经济又安全的金属结构,优化车辆的设计发现并更正设计缺陷,完善设计方案,通过 对学校高位路灯维护车的改装,从而研制出一种高稳定性、高可靠性、高适用性的好产 品。通过对学校高位路灯维护车的改装设计究能够使学生了解专用汽车改装设计方法, 通过本课题的研究,学生可以运用所学的汽车构造,专用汽车改造,汽车理论,汽车设 计等专业知识,加深对汽车专业技能的理解理论课程的实践总结,获得一定的工程设计 工作方法。 关键词:高空作业车;结构设计;举升机构;回转机构;路灯安装车 1 黑龙江工程学院本科生毕业设计 ABSTRACT With the development of social economy, special vehicles have been widely used in various industries, and is playing the more and more vital role. As a special vehicles in one of the top product type, aloft working car quantity and quality of the products in demand performance improve continuously. High street maintenance vehicle belong to lift aerial work car aloft working car is transport personnel and equipment to the scene and special vehicles air operations. Through the school high street maintenance vehicle use lift on the basis of investigation of understanding design the process problem, and put forward the improvement scheme, with increased automatic limit range, height, load, Angle, and a leg of stability and other security measures to improve school high for the safety of lifting street lamps, and using enter the mechanics of materials, theoretical mechanics theory basis and calculation method, and to meet material strength, stiffness and stability conditions, design both economical and safe metal structure, and optimize the design found and corrected vehicle design flaws and perfecting the design scheme, through to the school high street lamp maintenance vehicle modified and developed a high stabi


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