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personalized [?p??s?n?la?zd] adj. New Word 8 made or changed in order to be especially appropriate for a particular person 个性化的 e.g. In a small company, you will receive more personalized service. 在一个小公司里,你将得到更多的个人化服务。 返回 ideally [a??di??li] adv. New Word 9 按理想来说, 理想的情况是;最, 最好;尽善尽美地 e.g. Shes ideally suited for this job. 她最适合这项工作。 返回 awesomeness [???s?mn?s] n. 01 New Word 10 敬畏;卓越 e.g. Science can show us the awesomeness of nature. 科学可以向我们展示大自然的伟大。 返回 customized [?k?st?ma?zd] adj. New Word 11 定制的;用户化的 e.g. This report can be customized to meet your requirements. 该报告可以根据您的需求进行定制。 返回 subscribe [s?b?skra?b] v. New Word 12 to pay an amount of money regularly in order to receive or use sth 定期订购(或订阅等) e.g. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science. 我订阅《新科学家》的主要原因是要跟上科学的进步。 返回 decent [?di?snt] adj. New Word 返回 13 Ⅰ. Decent is used to describe something which is considered to be of an acceptable standard or quality. 像样的 e.g. He didnt get a decent explanation. 他没有得到一个合理的解释。 Ⅱ. Decent is used to describe something which is morally correct or acceptable. 合宜的 e.g. But, after a decent interval, trade relations began to return to normal. 但是在一段适当的间断之后,贸易关系开始恢复正常。 solicit [s??l?s?t] v. New Word 14 If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from someone, you ask them for it. 请求给予 e.g. Hes already solicited their support on health care reform. 他已经请求他们给予医疗保健改革方面的支持。 返回 compilation [?k?mp??le??n] n. 15 New Word 返回 编译;编辑;汇编 e.g. Her latest CD is a compilation of all her best singles. 她必威体育精装版的激光唱片收录了她的所有最佳单曲。 esteemed [?s?ti?md] adj. 01 New Word 16 admired and respected受尊敬的 e.g. He was esteemed by his neighbours. 他备受邻居尊重。 返回 PART 4 (5)As long as it is our responsibility, we will bear your loss. _________________________________________________________ (6)We apologize so much for the uncontrollable delay. __________________________________________________________ (7)We accept unconditional withdrawal because



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