高中英语_Book6 Unit1 Art Reading教学课件设计.ppt

高中英语_Book6 Unit1 Art Reading教学课件设计.ppt

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Listen to the text and try to get the main idea 4. You cannot recognize any object in abstract modern art. 5. In the Renaissance most artists painted indoors. T F Styles in Western art have changed _____ _____. Art is _________ by the ________ and _____ of a people. During the Middle Ages, the main ____ of painters was to ________ religious themes. Artists were interested in creating ______ and _____ for God. many times influenced customs faith aim represent respect love Task3 Detailed Reading (II) Fill in the blanks: In the Renaissance, people began to concentrate less on _______ themes and more on people. Artists tried to paint ______ and ______ as they really were. Masaccio used ___________ in his paintings. People were_________ that they were _______ _______ a hole in the wall at a real scene. people religious nature perspective convinced looking through In the late 19th century, Europe changed _ _____ ____ from a mostly __________ society to a mostly ________ one. The ____________ were the first to paint ________. They had to paint ______ and their paintings were not as _______ as those of earlier painters. a great deal agricultural industrial impressionists outdoors quickly detailed Today ____ ____________ ________ were accept as the _________ of what we call _______ ___ . Some modern art is ________ while some is ________. The impressionists’ beginning modern abstract realistic paintings art 1.Try to remember the general idea Read the text more and find out the key language points in the text after class. Assignment 1.答案为D。此句为测试作者的写作目的。“呼吁人们都来加入到摄影俱乐部!”这是本文的主要目的。本文的最后部分也是对全文内容的重点回应。 2.答案为C。此句为细节题。从短文第一段的最后一句话:five pounds a year中得出答案。 3答案为A。此句为细节推理题。将第一段内容进行综合分析,可以知道:这是Fine Photograph club所做的宣传广告,让人们知道他们是为了帮助人们提高摄影技术,避免出现浪费现象,而且费用低廉。因此选项A符合短文的内容。 阅读理解答案 4.答案为B。此句为细节推理题。从短文内容上看,文章中出现了:and then we have coffee(选项A的内容),?will advise you on all the latest?(选项C的内容)和if you want to learn?it is used(选项D的内容),这样只有选项B的内容在短文中没有出现了。 5.答案为C。细节题。在短文And that 700



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