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Unit 5 Save the endangered animalsReading:The giant panda 授课教师:Have a guess.While- readingSkimmingSub-headingsGet the main ideas quickly Scanning StrategyUse sub-headings to locate the answer.Move your eyes quickly over the text to find the information you need. Find certain information in a textComplete the facts about pandas by using scanning strategyas much as 30 kgsThe locating wordRead the following part and answer the questionsAn adult panda weighs twice as heavy as that of an adult human. similar to an apple1,600100-150Appearance: It has______________around its eyes. Its ears, shoulders and legs are_______while the rest is _______.black patchesblackwhiteThe first sub-heading HomeHome: Pandas live high up in the mountains of_________________ _______________. Central and Western ChinaNational treasure (国宝)The third sub-heading BehaviourFind other interesting facts while you are reading. Solitary animalsExcellent tree-climbersStrong enough12 hoursThe second sub-heading Food the fourth sub-heading Lifecontrast the differences between pandas in the zoo and in the wildin the zooin the wildFoodTheir menu includes___________.They usually eat_________.Life spanThey live for up to___________.They live for about______.bamboo, apples and carrotsbamboo35 years20 yearsRaising a panda in the zoo is much more expensive than in the wild.Why do we keep pandas in the zoo?The fifth sub-heading The futureWhy are giant pandas endangered?people are cutting down forests.people are killing them for their fur.people are destorying their habitats.man-made causesThey are endangered because...natural causes....Lets read more to know the possible natural causes of pandas endangered situation. Use scanning strategy to fill in the mind map according to fact file ( 2 minutes) Read the fact file in 1 minute. Using scanning strategy to fill in the mind map Eating behaviourBamboo instead of meat: Pandas used to eat meat. But during the ice age, many animals died out so pandas changed to eat
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