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- - PAGE 1 - 龙骨的隐喻:从无声到有声的伦理身份探求 摘要:《接骨师之女》是谭恩美的第四部长篇小说,也是她自传性最强的一部作品。小说聚焦于三代女性 的人生经历:外婆宝姨(谷鎏信)、母亲刘杨茹灵和女儿露丝(杨如意)。在历经家族百年传承的龙骨连 接下,三位主人公的故事互相交织影响,在摆脱伦理困境的过程中展现出复杂而动人的关系。从宝姨的无 声描述到茹灵的笨拙表达,再到露丝重获声音,书写自己的故事,龙骨隐喻着家族诅咒、难忘记忆与历史 传承。谭恩美笔下的女性坚韧有力,为追寻自己的伦理身份做出艰难的选择与放弃。本文从叙事的关键— —龙骨着手,分析其不断深化的隐喻意义对小说主题表达所起的作用,并在文学伦理学批评的指导下探讨 三代人伦理身份危机的演变与解决,启发读者深入解读作品,树立面对历史与过去的正确态度。 关键词:隐喻;龙骨;伦理身份 中图分类号: I1 文献标识码:A Introduction As Elaine Kim notes, the United States have witnessed the appearance of a large number of literary works produced by Asian American writers during the past three decades (Kim, 1982: 213). Amy Tan is one of them, who belongs to the group of the few American writers of Chinese descent who appear in the American literary canon. As a second generation Chinese born in the United States, Amy Tan’s works go deep into the conflicts produced between the first generation and the second generation of Chinese immigrants. What she has experienced promoted her to pick up her pen and write it down. “My childhood with its topsy-turvy emotions has, in fact, been a reason to write”(Tan, 2017: 138). Since the publication of her famous work The Joy Luck Club in 1989, she has already surpassed the identity of a minority or popular novelist and has become one of the most famous first-class writers in the United States and the West. Her subsequent books, The Kitchen God’s Wife, The Hundred Secret Senses, Saving Fish From Drowning and The Valley of Amazement are all bestsellers. The Bonesetter’s Daughter “represents a more fully developed reworking issues about identity and language than we can find in many of her works”(Dunick, 2006: 4). It is the most autobiographical and the most profound and touching masterpiece of the Chinese-immigration mother-daughter relationship. Many academic studies about this novel have been made through various approaches such as memory narrative, mother-daughter relationship, cross-cultural perspective and linguistic re


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