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试卷第 PAGE 7 页共 NUMPAGES 7 页 高职扩招英语考模拟考试题 姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________ 题型 选择题 填空题 解答题 判断题 计算题 附加题 总分 得分 评卷人 得分 一、单选题(总共30题,共30分) 1.Let’s go home together, ______?(1分) Ashall we Bwould you Cwill we Dshould you 2.A fire______ last night, but it ________ by the firemen in no time.(1分) Awas broke out; was put out Bbroke out; was put out Cbroke out; put out Dwas broke out; put out 3.The old man walked slowly with the aid of the girl.(1分) Ahelp Buse Cstrength Dmake 4.Could you do me a favor?(1分) Agive me some food to eat. Bgive me help Cgive me my favorite books to read Dgive me a dog 5.He was ill yesterday,but now he is well.(1分) Afeels good Bis in bad health Cis healthy Dis not bad 6.Why do you keep silent all the time?(1分) Akeep quiet Bhold on Ckeep out Dkeep away 7.Young people are fond of popular music.(1分) Aare fun of Blike Care eager for Dtake care of 8.We invited all the friends to a party _________ Christmas Eve last year.(1分) A at B during C on D in 9.We waited ________ he arrived.(1分) A since B where C until D because 10.―_______ should I take physical exercise?― At least three times a week.(1分) A How often B How many C How long D How old 11.I still remember ________ he said to me two years ago.(1分) A which B what C whom D that 12.John doesn’t like any vegetable, _________ does his brother.(1分) A so Bl D the biggest city 15.The man isn’t________ he used to be.(1分) A that B who C what D who 16.The ________cup is put on the table.(1分) A broken B breaking C break D broke 17.You don’t look ______.You must be ill.(1分) A good B health C well D nice 18.I’ll never forget the day _______I joined the League.(1分) A that B which C where D on which 19.请选出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。(1分) Afar B warn C


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