电磁阀-插头MURR Solenoid valve connector 最详细说明书.pdf

电磁阀-插头MURR Solenoid valve connector 最详细说明书.pdf

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INT ERNET DAT A S HEET for Art ic le Numbe r 7000-29001-0000000 SVS VALVE PLUG FORM A 18MM FIELD-WIREABLE 24V LED+Z -Diode M16x1.5 Form A (18 mm) 24 V AC ±20% DC ±25% LED and Z -diode met ric Plast ic housings w it h good resist ance against chemicals and oils. T he resist ance t o aggressive media should be individually t est ed f or your applicat ion. Furt her det ails on request . Link t o Product Illust r t io n T he info rmatio n in this b ro c hure has b e e n c o mp ile d with the utmo st c are . Liab ility fo r the c o rre ctne s s c o mp le te ne s s and to p ic ality o f the info rmatio n is re stricte d to g ro s s ne g lig e nc e . Ve rs io n: 08 17 Mu r re le kt ro n i k G m b H | Fa l ke ns t ra ße 3 | 71570 O p p e nw e i le r | Fo n +49 (71 91) 47-0 | Fax +49 (71 91) 47-491000 | s ho p @ m u r re le kt ro n i k.co m | s ho p .m u r re le kt ro n i k.co m INT ERNET DAT A S HEET for Art ic le Numbe r 7000-29001-0000000 Pro d uct may d iffe r fro m Imag e Fo rm Fo rm 29001 T ec hnic l D t Op erating vo ltag e 24 V AC ±20% DC ±25% T he info rmatio n in this b ro c hure has b e e n c o mp ile d with the utmo st c are . Liab ility fo r the c o rre ctne s s c o mp le te ne s s and to p ic ality o f the info rmatio n is re stricte d to g ro s s ne g lig e nc e . Ve rs io n: 08 17 Mu r re le kt ro n i k G m b H | Fa l ke ns t ra ße 3 | 71570 O p p e nw e i le r | Fo n +49 (71 91) 47-0 | Fax +49 (71 91) 47-491000 | s ho p @ m u r re le kt ro n i k.co m | s ho p .m u r re le kt ro n i k.co m INT ERNET DAT A S HEET for Art ic le Numbe r 7000-29001-0000000 Op


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