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2021~2022学年度第一学期期末考试 高三英语参考答案 选择题 1-5—CBAAC 6—8BAC 9—11BCA 12—15BCAC 16—20 CADDC 21—25 CAACD 26—30DBAAD 31—35DBCAB 36—40 CBDDA 41—45 CCABD 46—50ADCAB 51—55BCBAD 56—60ADCCD 61—65 CCCAB 66—70DCABD 阅读表达 71.Tobecome anarchitect./ Becoming anarchitect. 72.Becauseherfamily/shecouldn’t affordauniversity education. 73.Weneedto set oureyesonthetargetinlifeandfollow through. 74. Sheis/wasinspiringbecauseshe encouragedthe authortopursue herdream. Sheis/wasdetermined/brave/persistentbecause shestroveforhergoal. Sheis/wasgenerousbecausesheleftthe authoratip of $50forhelpingheratthelanes. 75.Possibleversion 1: My mom is the “Bessie” in my life.When I was 9, I started playing the piano, but as I didn’t make much progress, I considered quitting. It was my mom who encouraged me to continue andthankstoher,now I canplayverywell andI enjoy playingit. Possibleversion2: My mom is the “Bessie” in my life. Much like Bessie, she encourages me to face challenges even though my dream seems far out of reach, and she always supports me with her wisdom and love.Without her, I would never be the committed, resilient and confident personI amtoday. 76. 书面表达 Dear Tom, How are you? I’m happy to know you are in charge of a teenage art exhibition next month. As you know I’m good at Chinese painting and some of them have won prizes. Recently I completed a new painting about bamboo. In Chinese culture, bamboo conveys many best wishes and symbolizes excellent qualities.If compared to abamboo, one is usually considered to be strong-willed and modest. So we use bamboo to represent a noble andgentleperson. As you know, art is a way of communicating ideas. For some, it inspires; For others, it’s a form of meditation. Art can help us see the world from a new p


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