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毕业设计(论文) SS4G型电力机车高压试验现象与分析 *** *** 2018年12月 毕业设计(论文) SS4G电力机车高压试验现象与分析 姓名 : *** 指导教师 : *** 专业 : 铁道机车(电力机车)专业 学院 : 铁道机车学院 答 辩 日 期 : 2018年12月 单位 : *** 摘 要 - - PAGE II - - PAGE - PAGE I - 摘 要 随着我国电气化铁路及电力机车技术的迅速发展,电力机车在产品的结构、形式、质量方面都有了很大的的改进和提高,高压试验可以预知故障处所,避免运用过程中一些不必要的突发故障,直接影响到机车设备的安全和列车运行的安全正点。 本文主要分析韶山4改型电力机车高压试验的现象及分析,文章在组成上主要概括了本论文主要介绍了韶山4改型电力机车高压试验现象分析与故障的处理,韶山4改型电力机车高压试验是由机械、电气、空气管路三大系统组成的一个复杂的试验过程,它们之间既有相对独立性又有相互联系。 高压试验是机车乘务员的一项基本功,乘务员应把握住高压试验现象,根据闭合电钥匙、升弓、合主断等操作进行综合分析,可根据试验现象分析出故障处所,减少无效劳动,迅速找到故障处所,是检查电力机车电气部分、空气管路部分及制动系统综合性能的重要方法。它用于验收机车,交、接班检查试验及运用、检修和技术人员检查判断故障处所。 关键词:SS4G电力机车;高压试验现象分析;SS4G电力机车故障处理 Abstract Abstract PAGE PAGE 1 Abstract With the rapid development of electrified railway in our country and the technology of electric locomotive, electric locomotive in terms of product structure, form, quality has made great improvement and improve, high pressure test can predict the fault location, avoid using unnecessary is a unexpected accident, in the process of directly affect the safety and the safety of the train operation of locomotive equipment on time. This paper mainly analyses the phenomenon of shaoshan 4 type electric locomotive high-voltage test and analysis, the article on the composition is mainly summarized in this paper mainly introduces the phenomenon of shaoshan 4 type electric locomotive high-voltage test analysis and fault handling, shaoshan 4 retrofit electric locomotive high-voltage test consists of mechanical, electrical, air line three systems consisting of a complex test process, there are both relative independence and mutual relationship between them. High pressure test is a basic skill of the crew, the crew should hold high pressure test, according to the closed electric key, bows, and the main circuit and other operations, comprehensive analysis, according to the phenomena, analysis the failure location, reduce invalid labor, quickly find fault, is to check electric locomotive electrical parts, air pip


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