外研版高中英语新教材必修一 Unit 5 Into the wild 课时1 Starting out Vocabulary 教学课件.pptx

外研版高中英语新教材必修一 Unit 5 Into the wild 课时1 Starting out Vocabulary 教学课件.pptx

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教学教材:外研版高中英语新教材必修一教学内容:Unit 5 Into the wild第一课时:Starting out Vocabulary执教人:课时设计与衔接Lesson 1Starting out Vocabulary与动物有关的英文习语、英国人饲养宠物的情况Lesson 4Listening speaking关于动物园圈养动物的辩论Lesson 7Presenting ideas Reflection介绍一个表现人与动物关系的电影或故事Lesson 3Using language中国熊猫出访荷兰Lesson 2Reading黑脉金斑蝶的迁徙Lesson 5Reading一次惊心动魄的拍摄经历Lesson 6Writing创建动物档案思考人和动物的关系树立人与动物和谐相处的意识,关爱动物,尊重动物,保护动物。感知人与动物之间的和谐相处大观念:通过以上内容的学习旨在帮助学生了解动物习性、特征等相关知识,引导学生深入思考人与动物的关系,使学生最终形成关爱动物、与动物和谐相处的正确的、可持续发展的观念。 Into the wildUnit 5Period 1 Starting out VocabularyInto the wildBrainstormingfarm animals zoo animals Into the wildAfrican lion rhino eagle wild animalssquirrel zebra elephant grizzly bear tiger white crane Into the wildDo you like animals? What animals do you like best? Which animal can be kept as a pet? Have you got a pet?3. Why do you like the pet? What does it bring to you?Into the wildP49 -11. What are the most popular pets in the UK?2. What is the most important animal charity in the UK?Watch and sayInto the wildWords for Reference1.overjoyed v. (使)狂喜 / adj. 狂喜的2. agility /??d??l?ti/ n. 敏捷;灵活;机敏3. guinea pig /?ɡ?ni p?ɡ/? n. 豚鼠; 天竺鼠 4. pit ponies运煤小马 5. coal mine 煤矿6. obstacle /??bst?kl/ /?ɑ?bst?k(?)l/ 障碍1. What are the most popular pets in the UK?2. What is the most important animal charity in the UK?Into the wildInto the wildLet’s check answers!Whats the relationship between the people and these animals? pets owner and petsP49-2Look and sayWhat are the relationships between the people and the animals? Possible answersblind people and guide dogpet owner and pethorseman and horse(competition companion)owner and livestockP49-21.What animals do you often interact with? What is your relationship with them?2.What do you think is the best relationship between the people and the animals? Why?Into the wildExtended ReadingRead the following passage to answer the questions.1.What are the relationships between humans, animals and plants?2. Why are many animals extinct?2 mins The



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