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Bilder immer einfärben in: Blue, Accent color 1 eServices Report 2021 December 2021 The market outlook presents up-to-date figures and an in-depth analysis of the eServices market Introduction With more than 60% of the world now connected to the internet, the eServices market continues to thrive. After a small set back in 2020, changing consumer habits have allowed the market to surpass the pre- covid estimates. The Online Food Delivery segment, a billion-dollar industry, has gained the most traction after lockdowns forced people to order instead of going out. In the dating services market, more and more single are longing for the social connection they once had before COVID-19 hit. Finally, the event tickets market, the market hit the hardest, begins its recovery but with the growing concerns over new variants of the virus the recovery might not be here to last. With this report we provide a comprehensive overview of today’s eServices market as well as a prognosis of developments with detailed information on 8 different market segments in the areas of Event Tickets, Dating Services and Online Food Delivery. Besides all relevant market figures like total and average revenues and user numbers for the Matt Miller years 2021 to 2026, we furthermore give detailed information on current trends, key players and important background knowledge of the Analyst Digital Markets eServices market. ler@ com Matt Miller graduated with a master’s degree in International


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