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III. The 10 Basics of Business Etiquette 商务礼仪的10个基本要素 Consume Correctly 文明用餐 If you attend an after-hours work event, do not drink too much alcohol. When at work, take care not to bring particularly malodorous foods that everyone in the office cant help but smell. Dont make noises during or after you eat; no one wants to hear that. Terms and Expressions ...,some principles stand the test of time and geography. 有一些原则经得起时间和地理的考验。 closed-toe shoes 不露脚趾的鞋 Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. 为了你梦想的工作好好打扮,而不只局限于你现在拥有的工作。 Body Language 体态语;身体语言 体态语是身体语言的简称,指非词语性的身体符号,包括目光与面部表情、身体运动与触摸、姿势与外貌、身体间的空间距离等。我们在与人交流沟通时,即使不说话,可以凭借对方的身体语言来探索他内心的秘密,对方也同样可以通过身体语言了解到我们的真实想法。 Terms and Expressions vulgar language 下流话;粗俗的语言 after-hours work event 下班后的工作活动 corporate ranks 公司里的职级 职级就是一定职务层次所对应的级别,是体现职务、能力、业绩、资历的综合标志,同时也是确定员工薪资待遇及其他待遇的重要依据。它常常与管理层级相联系,比如,部门副经理就是一个职级。 Glossary 1. promptly  adv. 迅速地;立即地 2. punctual  adj. 准时的;守时的 3. adage  n. 谚语;格言 4. discreetly  adv. 小心谨慎地 5. eavesdrop  v. 偷听  6. attentive  adj. 留心的;注意的 7. diverse  adj. 多样化的;变化多的 8. malodorous adj. 有臭味的 Questions for Comprehension 1. What should people be careful about when attending an after-hours work event ? 2. How do body languages vary from culture to culture? IV. Dressing Rules 着装礼节 Not following the 11-inch rule when wearing a skirt. Believing that permanent press clothes do not have to be ironed. Not investing in the same quality of business casual garments as when buying business professional attire. Assuming that mules are business casual shoes. Not wearing clothes that can take you into any meeting on a moments notice. Dressing for the job you have rather than the one you want. Not wearing the same quality accessories on business casual days that you do when dressed professionally. Wearing flowery prints and gingham checks. Conforming to local customs concerning appropriate attire. Terms and Expressions permanent press clothes 免烫的衣服 洗完之后,马上挂起晾晒,衣服还会比较平整,可以不用熨烫。 mule shoes 前密后开


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