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国有施工企业人才流失现象调查分析 文档信息 主题: 关于“管理或人力资源”中“企业文化”的参考范文。 属性: Doc-02F2UR,doc格式,正文16078字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 说明: 作为MBA资料的写作参考资料,提供解决怎么写及格式等相关问题。 适用: 作为文章写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 2 文1:国有施工企业人才流失现象调查分析 2 (1)相关理论成果。 6 (2)模型构建成果。 7 第6章 结论 14 文2:浅析国有建筑企业人才流失现象 15 一、人才流失现象分析 15 二、人才流失原因分析 16 1.外部环境因素 17 2.建筑企业本身因素 18 3.员工自身因素 20 三、人才流失的消极影响及危害 22 1.失去一块市场 22 2.带走一批人 22 3.影响一批人 22 4.使公司形象和社会声誉大打折扣 22 5.迫使公司重置人才成本 23 6.无形资产的严重流失 23 四、降低人才流失率的应对措施 23 1.要树立科学的人才观念 23 2.要建立体现人才劳动价值的薪酬制度 24 3.畅通人才成长通道,鼓励人才多渠道成长 24 4.发挥国企政治核心优势,塑造国企核心竞争能力 25 5.强化企业文化建设,不断倡导团队协作精神 25 6.要有一整套针对人才流失的管理机制 26 参考文摘引言: 26 原创性声明(模板) 27 文章致谢(模板) 27 正文 国有施工企业人才流失现象调查分析 文1:国有施工企业人才流失现象调查分析 ABSTRACT Human resources are the core competitive resources of an enterprise. The development of an enterprise is ieparable from human facto. Cotruction companies are particularly prominent. With the development of the market economy, peoples puuit of material and life is cotantly improving. In order to puue rich salary or better quality of life, employees are generally involved in the phenomenon of separation. In recent yea,the brain drain of state-owned cotruction companies has become more and more situation has caused incalculable losses to many state-owned enterprises. Retaining talents has become an urgent problem for many state-owned cotruction enterprises。 This paper takes a subsidiary of China Cotruction Third Bureau (referred to as a company in the text) as the research object, and uses the interview method, reference method and questionnaire survey method to analyze the causes of brain drain, and puts forward some countermeasures from the aspect of human resource management. Suggest. Fit, with the departing employees as the entry point, through the interviews with the departing employees, collect and refine the facto that cause the employees to leave, and use such facto as the independent variable


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