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某企业员工非物质激励策略探究 文档信息 主题: 关于“管理或人力资源”中“薪酬管理”的参考范文。 属性: Doc-02F2UN,doc格式,正文10841字。质优实惠,欢迎下载! 说明: 作为MBA资料的写作参考资料,提供解决怎么写及格式等相关问题。 适用: 作为文章写作的参考文献,解决如何写好实用应用文、正确编写文案格式、内容摘取等相关工作。 目录 TOC \o 1-9 \h \z \u 目录 1 正文 1 文1:某企业员工非物质激励策略探究 2 (1)理论意义。 5 (2)实践意义。 5 文2:现代企业对员工非物质激励机制初探 14 一、非物质激励的基本原则 14 第一,非物质激励与物质激励相结合的原则。 14 第二,个体激励与团队激励相结合的原则。 14 第三,短期激励与长期激励相结合的原则。 15 第四,指导性激励与领导性激励相结合的原则。 15 二、非物质激励机制的设计思路 15 第一,要将激励与企业战略相结合。 15 第二,要以培养员工忠诚度为核心。 16 第三,要保证设定标准合理可实现。 16 第四,要确保激励体系的有效落实。 16 参考文摘引言: 17 原创性声明(模板) 17 文章致谢(模板) 18 正文 某企业员工非物质激励策略探究 文1:某企业员工非物质激励策略探究 Abstract Non-material incentive is an indispeable way to motivate employees. This paper takes an enterprise as the research object to discuss its non-material incentive paper analyzes the current situation, existing problems, causes, countermeasures and security mechanism。 Fit of all, through individual interviews, it analyzes the non-material incentives of enterprises from several dimeio such as career development, occupational safetyand professional achievement. Then, it sorts out the problems of non-material incentives of enterprise staff and analyzes the reaso. Then, the corresponding countermeasuresare proposed for the problem: for the incentive operation mode is relatively simple, the non-material incentive organization environment incentive atmosphere is not strong,and the organizational care incentive atmosphere is not strong, and it is proposed to strengthen the enterprise goal and the staff professional appeal organic combination,standardize the organization environmental incentive The system design is designed to create a good organizational care and incentive environment; for the lack of trustincentives for participation incentives and occupational authority grants, we propose bold attempts to trust incentives, attract staff to participate in decision-making andmanagement, and develop authorization systems. System norms related work respoibility authorizat


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