2021年6月5日雅思考试机经-听力 (1).docx

2021年6月5日雅思考试机经-听力 (1).docx

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____2021__年_06_月_05日雅思 £纸笔考试 £机考 听力机经 考试概述: 06月05日雅思听力考情回顾 今日雅思考试听力部分较难,涉及较多的同义替换,干扰项较多。匹配类的地图最近考试频率增高。需要提起重视。另外需要注意填空题中的单复数和拼写问题。 二、题目分析: Part 1: 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:旅行介绍 主题:对话介绍了一座罂粟花山 题型及数量:10填空 考试题目+答案: 1-10)Completion +table completion 1.The best watch time is the end of the months . 2.The Poppy Mountain was covered with colourness of orange. 3.XXX was located at the South/ East of the island. 4. This park is a state park. 5.Bring your trousers to protect XXXX snakes. Activity Time Duration 6.general tour 1.5hours 7.viewpoint of XXXXX museum centre 8.1 hour Wild life 5:30 AM to 1:00PM To bring XXXXX and 10. zoom lens of camera. 填空+表格练习:C10Test1Sction1 Part 2: 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:预定宾馆 主题:旅游 题型及数量:选择+地图匹配(5+5) 考试题目+答案: 11-14)Multiple choice 11.What did T say not to take the super shuttle bus. B.It takes longer time. 12. What does T say about the XXX super shuttle bus. C.No suitable bus stop. 13. About the airport station Momorius. B. Get off at the third top. 14. What did T tell Jane about XXX ticket? C. She can use the ticket for both leave and return ticket. 15-20) Matching map 15.Lincoln Avenue B.behind the river 16.CXXX Hall C. 17.Taxi Rank E. not the station,opposite the main entrance 18.Bus Stop I.on the Chapter Avenue, turn left 19.Cafe D. side entrance of the AXXX Hotel 20.Restaurant G.across the street from the Hotel\ 匹配类地图:11test1section2,13test1section1 Part 3: 新题/旧题:旧题 场景:家谱研究讨论 主题:研究讨论 题型及数量: 选择题6+匹配4 考试题目+答案: 21-26)Multiple choice 21. How they will collect useful material for family histories. B. Read relevant reading materials. 22. What the main subjects they are interview with to study. C. Both males and females. 23. Which methodology used by the girl she left I the most interesting C. Interviewing old participant. 24. How can the females students trace her family information of her own A. By contacting one relative living abroad. 25. Tutor: how to improve a part of question C. She concerned too much in her own family information. 26. The girl worried mos


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