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防护林带 shelter belt 森林覆盖率 forest coverage rate 改善土壤 soil improvement 地质灾害 geological disaster 灾难 catastrophe; tragedy; disaster 不幸 misfortune 伤亡人员 casualty 死亡人数 death toll 台风 typhoon 火山爆发 volcanic eruption 地震 earthquake 洪水 flood 干旱 drought 医疗健康 诊所 clinic 发烧 fever 咳嗽 cough 头痛 headache 失眠 sleeplessness; lose sleep 近视的 near-sighted; short-sighted 远视的 far-sighted 症状 symptom 诊断 diagnosis (n.); diagnose (v.) 疗法/治疗 treatment 治愈 cure/heal 治病 cure diseases 开处方 prescribe 处方 prescription 偏方 folk prescription 秘方 secret prescription 祖传秘方 secret prescription handed down from one’s ancestors 中医 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) 救死扶伤 heal the sick and rescue the dying 望尧闻尧问尧切 observing, listening, inquiring, pulse taking 肥胖症 obesity 保健品 health care products 草药 herbal medicine 食疗 food therapy 延缓衰老 slow down aging 瑜珈 yoga 体检 physical examination 综合国力 overall/comprehensive national strength 弱势群体 disadvantaged/vulnerable groups 少数民族 ethnic minority; minority ethnic group 再就业 re-employment 经济房 low-cost housing 医疗改革 health care reform 国有企业改革 Reform of state-owned enterprises 医保制度改革Reform of medical insurance system 政府机构改革 Reform of government institutions


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