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中国象棋 Chinese chess 围棋 Chinese Go 对弈 play chess 棋子 chess pieces 棋盘 chessboard 中国书法 Chinese calligraphy 甲骨文 oracle bone script 文房四宝 the four treasures of the study 毛笔 brush pen 墨 ink stick 砚台 inkstone 纸 paper 四大名著 the four masterpieces 《西游记》Journey to the West; The Money King 《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Chamber; A Dream of Red Mansions 《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms 《水浒传》Water Margin; Outlaws of the Mash 《诗经》Books of songs 《史记》Records of the Grand Historian; Historical Records 唐诗宋词 Tang and Song poetry; poetry of the Tang and Song dynasties 元曲 Yuan opera 明小说 Ming novel 汉语 Chinese 汉字 Chinese character 笔划 stroke 普通话四声调 the four tones of Mandarin Chinese 对联 couplet 俗语 idiom 词语 phrase 国画 Chinese (traditional) painting 山水画 landscape painting 写意画 free sketch painting 敦煌壁画 Dunhuang frescoes 龙的形象 the image of dragon 孔子庙 Confucius Temple 黄河 the Yellow River 长江 the Yangtze River 长城 the Great Wall 故宫 the Imperial Palace; the Forbidden City 故宫博物院 The Palace Museum 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square 胡同 hutong 文武双全 be excellent both in the arts of pen and sword 孙子兵法 Sun Zi’s Art of War; Master Sun’s Art of War 科举制 imperial examination system 状元 the top scholar; champion 武术 Chinese martial arts 太极拳 Tai Chi 古代兵器 ancient weapon 盔甲 suit of armor



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