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市场部 marketing department 研发中心 research and development center 股东 shareholder 股东大会 shareholders’ meeting 董事/董事长 director; president; chairman 首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO) 首席运营官 chief operation officer (COO) 执行董事 executive director 常务董事 managing director 董事会 board of directors 证券交易所 stock exchange 证券商 securities dealer 证券公司 securities company 支票 cheque/check 商业保险 commercial insurance 财产保险 property insurance 人身保险 personal insurance 人寿保险 life insurance 健康保险 health insurance 意外保险 accident insurance 社会保险 social insurance 养老保险 endowment insurance 医疗保险 medical insurance 失业保险 unemployment insurance 生育保险 the childbirth insurance 保险合同 insurance contract 投保人 policyholder 承保人 insurer; underwriter 被保险人 the insured 索赔 claim (v.) 市场份额 market share 营业范围 scope of business 营业额 business volume /sale volume 市场报告 market report 副产品 byproduct/by-product 三角债 chain debts 成套设备 complete plant 清仓/甩卖 clearance sale 最低价 rock bottom price; lowest price 送货单 delivery note 无利息的 interest free 住房补贴 housing allowance 住房贷款 housing loan 发薪日 pay day 裁员 downsize 冒牌货 imitation brand; fake product 出口补贴 export subsidies 支柱产业 pillar industry 经济重组 economic restructuring 大量生产尧批量生产 mass produce


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